Verbi di Azione Verbale - Verbi per informare e nominare
Qui imparerai alcuni verbi inglesi che si riferiscono all'informazione e alla denominazione come "report", "notify" e "convey".
to give a written or spoken description of an event to someone

riportare, fare rapporto di

to give information about someone or something, especially in an official manner

to give someone essential information or instructions about a particular subject or task

informare, riassumere

to provide someone with information and make them aware of something

informare, mettere al corrente

to pass on information or messages from one place or person to another

trasmettere, relazionare

to give a name to something, such as a book, movie, article, etc.

intitolare, dare titolo

to give a title to something, such as a book, movie, piece of art, etc.

intitolare, dare un titolo a

to give someone or something a name in honor or in memory of another person or thing

dare il nome di
to give someone or something a different name, often to show affection or emphasize a particular trait

soprannominare, dare un soprannome a

to give someone or something a nickname, often to show affection or to highlight a specific trait

battezzare, dare un soprannome