Verbos de Ação Verbal - Verbos para informar e nomear
Aqui você aprenderá alguns verbos em inglês referentes a informar e nomear, como "relatar", "notificar" e "transmitir".
to give information about someone or something, especially in an official manner

informar, comunicar

to give someone essential information or instructions about a particular subject or task

informar, briefar

to provide someone with information and make them aware of something

informar, pôr a par

to pass on information or messages from one place or person to another

transmitir, retransmitir

to give a name to something, such as a book, movie, article, etc.

intitular, dar um título

to give a title to something, such as a book, movie, piece of art, etc.

intitular, dar um título a

to give someone or something a name in honor or in memory of another person or thing

dar o nome de, nomear em honra de

to give someone or something a different name, often to show affection or emphasize a particular trait

dar um apelido, apelidar