Verbi di Creazione e Cambiamento - Verbi per aumenti di quantità o dimensione
Qui imparerai alcuni verbi inglesi che si riferiscono ad aumenti di quantità o dimensione come "espandere", "allungare" e "allargare".
to become larger and uncomfortable, often due to gas or excess fluid
ingrossarsi, gonfiarsi
to cause something to stick out, often due to pressure or excess
gonfiare, imbottire
to reach the highest level, point, or intensity
raggiungere il picco, culminare
to increase, typically in levels, efforts, or intensity
aumentare, incrementare
(of prices, shares, etc.) to abruptly and significantly increase
to increase rapidly and dramatically, often referring to prices, numbers, or success
(of an amount or price) to increase rapidly
salire di colpo, balzare alle stelle
to expand or enlarge the size or dimensions of something
allargare, espandere
to make something longer, looser, or wider, especially by pulling it
to increase something to the highest possible level
massimizzare, aumentare al massimo
to increase something, such as a quantity, level, or value
aumentare, innalzare
to make someone or something more powerful, important, or wealthy
ingrandire, esaltare
to make something increase in amount, intensity, or production
aumentare, incrementare