to become larger in amount or size
增加, 增大
to become larger and uncomfortable, often due to gas or excess fluid
膨胀, 鼓胀
to cause something to stick out, often due to pressure or excess
膨胀, 鼓出
to become something greater in quantity, importance, or size
扩展, 发展
to reach the highest level, point, or intensity
达到顶峰, 达到最高点
to increase, typically in levels, efforts, or intensity
提高, 增加
to make the intensity, level, or amount of something increase
to increase something significantly or excessively
膨胀, 增加
(of prices, shares, etc.) to abruptly and significantly increase
暴涨, 急剧上升
to grow in amount or number rapidly
快速增长, 繁殖
to increase rapidly and dramatically, often referring to prices, numbers, or success
猛增, 急剧上升
to increase in number or amount over time
增加, 累积
(of an amount or price) to increase rapidly
迅速上升, 激增
to enlarge or lengthen something
延伸, 扩展
to become wider or broader in dimension, extent, or scope
拓宽, 宽广
to increase the dimension of something
加厚, 增加
to increase the length or duration of something
延长, 加长
to expand or enlarge the size or dimensions of something
拓宽, 扩大
to stretch something in order to make it longer
延长, 拉长
to make something longer, looser, or wider, especially by pulling it
拉伸, 伸展
to grow or increase in size or dimensions
放大, 扩大
to add to something's value, effect, size, or amount
增加, 扩充
to increase in size or width
扩张, 扩大
to increase something to the highest possible level
最大化, 优化
to improve something by adding something to it
补充, 增加
to change the size of something
调整大小, 改变尺寸
to increase something, such as a quantity, level, or value
增加, 提高
to make someone or something more powerful, important, or wealthy
扩大, 提升
to increase or enhance something
增加, 增强
to make something increase in amount, intensity, or production
提高, 加大