
Verbs of Making and Changing - Verbs for Increases in Quantity or Size

Here you will learn some English verbs referring to increases in quantity or size such as "expand", "lengthen", and "widen".









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Categorized English Verbs of Making and Changing
to increase

to become larger in amount or size

to bloat

to become larger and uncomfortable, often due to gas or excess fluid

to bulge

to cause something to stick out, often due to pressure or excess

to expand

to become something greater in quantity, importance, or size

to peak

to reach the highest level, point, or intensity

to up

to increase, typically in levels, efforts, or intensity

to raise

to make the intensity, level, or amount of something increase

to inflate

to increase something significantly or excessively

to surge

(of prices, shares, etc.) to abruptly and significantly increase

to proliferate

to grow in amount or number rapidly

to skyrocket

to increase rapidly and dramatically, often referring to prices, numbers, or success

to add up

to increase in number or amount over time

to shoot up

(of an amount or price) to increase rapidly

to extend

to enlarge or lengthen something

to widen

to become wider or broader in dimension, extent, or scope

to thicken

to increase in dimension

to lengthen

to make something have an increase in length or duration

to broaden

to expand or enlarge the size or dimensions of something

to elongate

to stretch something in order to make it longer

to stretch

to make something longer, looser, or wider, especially by pulling it

to enlarge

to grow or increase in size or dimensions

to augment

to add to something's value, effect, size, or amount

to dilate

to increase in size or width

to maximize

to increase something to the highest possible level

to supplement

to improve something by adding something to it

to resize

to change the size of something

to bump up

to increase something, such as a quantity, level, or value

to aggrandize

to increase in power, status, or wealth

to pump up

to increase or enhance something

to ramp up

to make something increase in amount, intensity, or production

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