Verbi di Creazione e Cambiamento - Verbi per diminuire di quantità o dimensione
Qui imparerai alcuni verbi inglesi che si riferiscono a diminuzioni di quantità o dimensione come "narrow", "shorten" e "lessen".
to wear off
to gradually fade in color or quality over time due to constant use or other factors

to minimize
to reduce something to the lowest possible degree or amount, particularly something unpleasant

to constrict
to become less in size or width, creating a sensation of tightness

stringere, restringere

to cut back
to decrease something such as size or cost, to make it more efficient, economical, or manageable

to curtail
to place limits or boundaries on something to reduce its scope or size

ridurre, limitare

to degrade
(of human activities or natural forces) to gradually break down rocks, mountains, hills, etc.

degradare, erosionare


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