Verbi Correlati ai Temi - Verbi legati all'arte e ai media
Qui imparerai alcuni verbi inglesi che si riferiscono all'arte e ai media come "doodle", "illustrate" e "sculpt".
to create a sequence of dance steps, often set to music, for a performance or production

coreografare, ideare una coreografia

to begin playing a musical instrument, typically referring to the start of a performance or music session

iniziare a suonare, dar vita a un brano

to start listening to or watching a specific program by adjusting the radio or television

sintonizzarsi su, seguire

to capture or represent something in a photograph or drawing

immaginare, rappresentare

to form figures and objects by cutting and carving hard materials such as wood, stone, metal, etc.

to bring characters or objects to life through movement using animation techniques or computer programs

to present a work, such as a performance, film, or artwork, publicly for the first time

debuttare, presentare