TOEFL のための上級語彙 - ニュースとジャーナリズム
a television reporter who coordinates and performs a live broadcast to which several correspondents contribute

アンカーマン, テレビレポーター

an electronic device that displays the script for people who are speaking in public, or on television


a service delivering written news and information through television, currently replaced by other information services provided on a television network

テレテキスト, テレテキスト

(of a book, an interview, etc.) including shocking information, revealed by an individual, usually a celebrity

暴露的な, 告白的な

to announce news, in a way and manner that it gets a lot of attention

派手に発表する, 目立つように告知する

(of a television, radio network, or newspaper) to broadcast or publish something, or to include specific information in a report

放送する, 公開する

an item of news that is given the most prominence in a news broadcast, magazine, or newspaper

リードストーリー, 主要記事

a newspaper that is published on a large piece of paper regarded as more serious

ブロードシート, 大判新聞

an official journal or newspaper that contains serious information about decision making and policies, published by an organization

公報, 公式新聞

a newspaper, periodical, or magazine published by a particular group or organization to promote their views

組織の機関, 公式な出版物

something that occurs or is published every two weeks, typically referring to a publication, such as a newspaper or magazine, that is issued or updated once every two weeks

隔週, 二週間ごと

a piece of advertisement in a newspaper or magazine, designed to seem like an objective article and not an advertisement

広告記事, アドバートリアル

a style of reporting that prioritizes sensationalism, exaggeration, and misleading tactics to attract readership

ゴシップジャーナリズム, センセーショナルジャーナリズム

a separate section, usually in the form of a colored magazine, sold with a newspaper

補足, サプリメント

a journalist who is not an employee of a newspaper, but who supplies stories for that newspaper from time to time

フリージャーナリスト, 外部記者

the most recent and important news that is added to a newspaper at the last moment before printing or after the start of the printing process, especially as a heading

特報, 速報

a brief piece in a newspaper printed next to the main article, providing additional information

サイドバー, 補足記事

a piece of news reported by a news agency sooner than other media channels or newspapers

スクープ, 独占記事

an enthusiastic article published in a magazine or newspaper about a particular film, book, etc.

絶賛, 熱狂的なレビュー

the first sentence or paragraph of a news story, presenting the most significant aspects of the story

リード, 導入部分

a section in the newspaper that contains personal opinions about the news and feature articles, opposite the editorial page

オピニオン・エッセイ, 社説の対面のページ

an article that has been separately published as a piece in a magazine or newspaper

オフプリント, 別刷り

an article or report, especially in a newspaper, published soon after the death of a person, typically containing details about their life

訃報, 死亡記事

a report, article, etc. that aims to bring down someone by presenting forged facts

攻撃的記事, ネガティブキャンペーン記事