
本 Total English - 中上級 - ユニット 1 - リファレンス - パート 1

ここでは、Total English 上級中級コースブックの Unit 1 - Reference - Part 1 にある「チャット」、「ゴシップ」、「自慢」などの語彙を紹介します。









Total English - Upper-intermediate

the person that you are married to or having a romantic relationship with

パートナー, 伴侶

パートナー, 伴侶

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the lady you are officially married to

妻, 嫁

妻, 嫁

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the man you are officially married to

夫, 配偶者

夫, 配偶者

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the daughter of one's stepfather or stepmother from a previous relationship

義理の妹, 義姉妹

義理の妹, 義姉妹

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a brother that shares only one biological parent with one

異母兄弟, 異父兄弟

異母兄弟, 異父兄弟

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one's brother or sister

兄, 姉

兄, 姉

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someone with whom one works

同僚, 職場の仲間

同僚, 職場の仲間

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the perfect romantic partner for a person

運命の人, ソウルメイト

運命の人, ソウルメイト

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close friend

a friend that one has a strong relationship with

親友, 近しい友人

親友, 近しい友人

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someone who is living next to us or somewhere very close to us

隣人, 隣人女性

隣人, 隣人女性

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a person whom one knows but is not a close friend

知人, 知り合い

知人, 知り合い

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to come across

to discover, meet, or find someone or something by accident

偶然見つける, 遭遇する

偶然見つける, 遭遇する

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to bump into

to unexpectedly meet someone, particularly someone familiar

ばったり出会う, 偶然会う

ばったり出会う, 偶然会う

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an opinion or feeling that one has about someone or something, particularly one formed unconsciously

印象, 感情

印象, 感情

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to see eye to eye

to completely agree with someone and understand their point of view

to judge a book by its cover

to form an opinion or make a judgment about something or someone based solely on its outward appearance or initial impression

to click

to become friendly with someone in a short period of time, particularly due to sharing the same views or opinions

意気投合する, 親しくなる

意気投合する, 親しくなる

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to chat

to send and receive messages on an online platform

チャットする, おしゃべりする

チャットする, おしゃべりする

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to gossip

to talk about the private lives of others with someone, often sharing secrets or spreading untrue information

ゴシップをする, おしゃべりする

ゴシップをする, おしゃべりする

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small talk

brief and polite conversation about random subjects, often in a social setting

雑談, 軽い会話

雑談, 軽い会話

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to greet

to give someone a sign of welcoming or a polite word when meeting them

挨拶する, 迎える

挨拶する, 迎える

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a comment on a person's looks, behavior, achievements, etc. that expresses one's admiration or praise for them



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to boast

to talk with excessive pride about one's achievements, abilities, etc. in order to draw the attention of others

自慢する, 誇る

自慢する, 誇る

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to mumble

to speak in a low or unclear voice, often so that the words are difficult to understand

もごもご言う, ぶつぶつ言う

もごもご言う, ぶつぶつ言う

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to speak up

to speak in a louder voice

大きな声で話す, 声を上げる

大きな声で話す, 声を上げる

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to talk down

to speak to someone in a way that suggests they are inferior or less intelligent than the speaker

見下すように話す, 軽視する

見下すように話す, 軽視する

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to stumble

to make an error or repeated errors while speaking

つまずく (話すとき), 口ごもる

つまずく (話すとき), 口ごもる

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relating to or involving the use of reasoning and understanding capacity

知的な, インテリジェンスの

知的な, インテリジェンスの

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the ability to reason, understand, and learn, often associated with intelligence or mental capacity

知性, 知恵

知性, 知恵

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involving artists or their work

芸術的, アートの

芸術的, アートの

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