本 Total English - 中上級 - ユニット 1 - リファレンス - パート 1
ここでは、Total English 上級中級コースブックの Unit 1 - Reference - Part 1 にある「チャット」、「ゴシップ」、「自慢」などの語彙を紹介します。
an opinion or feeling that one has about someone or something, particularly one formed unconsciously

印象, 感情

to form an opinion or make a judgment about something or someone based solely on its outward appearance or initial impression
to become friendly with someone in a short period of time, particularly due to sharing the same views or opinions

意気投合する, 親しくなる

to talk about the private lives of others with someone, often sharing secrets or spreading untrue information

ゴシップをする, おしゃべりする

brief and polite conversation about random subjects, often in a social setting

雑談, 軽い会話

a comment on a person's looks, behavior, achievements, etc. that expresses one's admiration or praise for them


to talk with excessive pride about one's achievements, abilities, etc. in order to draw the attention of others

自慢する, 誇る

to speak in a low or unclear voice, often so that the words are difficult to understand

もごもご言う, ぶつぶつ言う

to speak to someone in a way that suggests they are inferior or less intelligent than the speaker

見下すように話す, 軽視する

relating to or involving the use of reasoning and understanding capacity

知的な, インテリジェンスの