Cartea Total English - Intermediar avansat - Unitatea 1 - Referință - Partea 1
Aici veți găsi vocabularul din Unitatea 1 - Referință - Partea 1 din manualul de curs Total English Upper-Intermediate, cum ar fi „chat”, „gosip”, „boast”, etc.
Fișe de studiu
the person that you are married to or having a romantic relationship with

partener, soț

the daughter of one's stepfather or stepmother from a previous relationship

soră vitregă, sora de soție/soț

a friend that one has a strong relationship with

prieten apropiat, prieten intim

to discover, meet, or find someone or something by accident

a găsi întâmplător, a întâlni din întâmplare

to unexpectedly meet someone, particularly someone familiar

a da peste, a se întâlni întâmplător

an opinion or feeling that one has about someone or something, particularly one formed unconsciously

impressie, părere

to form an opinion or make a judgment about something or someone based solely on its outward appearance or initial impression
to become friendly with someone in a short period of time, particularly due to sharing the same views or opinions

a se înțelege, a deveni prieteni

to talk about the private lives of others with someone, often sharing secrets or spreading untrue information

a bârfi, a povesti

brief and polite conversation about random subjects, often in a social setting

discuție ușoară, conversație de complezență

to give someone a sign of welcoming or a polite word when meeting them

saluta, a întâmpina

a comment on a person's looks, behavior, achievements, etc. that expresses one's admiration or praise for them


to talk with excessive pride about one's achievements, abilities, etc. in order to draw the attention of others

a se lăuda, a se mândri

to speak in a low or unclear voice, often so that the words are difficult to understand

murmura, mormăi

to speak to someone in a way that suggests they are inferior or less intelligent than the speaker

a vorbi cu superioritate, a subestima

to make an error or repeated errors while speaking

a se poticni (în vorbire), a greși vorbind

relating to or involving the use of reasoning and understanding capacity

intelectual, cognitiv