
SAT 語彙スキル 5 - レッスン 37









SAT Word Skills 5
to impinge

to encroach or infringe upon something, often suggesting a negative impact or interference

侵害する, 影響を与える

侵害する, 影響を与える

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to lever

to lift or move something using a rigid bar or tool as a pivot point

持ち上げる, レバーを使う

持ち上げる, レバーを使う

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to veer

to abruptly turn to a different direction

逸れる, 方向を変える

逸れる, 方向を変える

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to knead

to form and press dough or wet clay with the hands

こねる, 練る

こねる, 練る

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to consort

to associate or spend time with someone, typically implying companionship or partnership

交際する, 付き合う

交際する, 付き合う

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to strut

to walk in a proud or self-assured manner, with the body held upright and the chest puffed out

堂々と歩く, 誇らしげに歩く

堂々と歩く, 誇らしげに歩く

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to misbehave

to act in an improper or unacceptable way

悪ふざけをする, 不適切に振る舞う

悪ふざけをする, 不適切に振る舞う

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to cant

(of a boat or ship) to tilt or lean to one side,

傾く, 傾ける

傾く, 傾ける

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to adduce

to cite as evidence or proof in support of an argument or claim

証拠として挙げる, 引用する

証拠として挙げる, 引用する

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to elapse

(of time) to pass by

経過する, 過ぎ去る

経過する, 過ぎ去る

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to distort

to change the shape or condition of something in a way that is no longer clear or natural

歪める, 歪曲する

歪める, 歪曲する

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to relapse

to return to a previously experienced undesirable behavior after a period of improvement

再発する, 再び陥る

再発する, 再び陥る

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to gambol

to playfully skip, leap, or frolic in a lively and energetic manner

跳ね回る, 戯れる

跳ね回る, 戯れる

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to sentence

to officially state the punishment of someone found guilty in a court of law

判決する, 宣告する

判決する, 宣告する

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to cosset

to treat someone with an excessive amount of care and indulgence

甘やかす, 大事にする

甘やかす, 大事にする

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to enhance

to better or increase someone or something's quality, strength, value, etc.

向上させる, 強化する

向上させる, 強化する

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to balk

to be reluctant to do something or allow it to happen, particularly because it is dangerous, difficult, or unpleasant

ためらう, 拒む

ためらう, 拒む

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to cavort

to prance or frolic around in a lively and playful manner

跳ね回る, 遊ぶ

跳ね回る, 遊ぶ

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to chafe

(of a body part) to become sore or irritated due to being rubbed against something

こすれる, 擦れる

こすれる, 擦れる

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