to make something a permanent and necessary part of a larger system or structure
組み込む, 統合する
to include or involve someone in a particular activity, decision, or plan
含める, 計算に入れる
to be involved in or conduct activities related to a particular kind of business, commodity, or trade
取り扱う, 扱う
to engage or involve someone in a particular activity, situation, or conversation
引き込む, 関与させる
to participate in or become involved in a particular activity, conversation, etc.
参加する, 関与する
to be socially fit for or belong within a particular group or environment
溶け込む, 適応する
to gently mix one ingredient into another by lifting and turning the mixture with a spatula or spoon
折り込む, 優しく混ぜ込む
to participate in an ongoing activity or opportunity when others are already involved
参加する, 入り込む
to take part in an activity or event that others are already engaged in
参加する, 加わる
to study a particular subject as one's main field of study at a college or university
専攻する, メジャーにする
to choose to participate in something, typically by actively indicating one's willingness or consent to do so
参加することを選ぶ, オプトインする
to be deeply surrounded by a significant amount of tradition or history
伝統に染まった, 伝統に浸る
to get involved in an argument, discussion, or activity and share one's opinions
口を出す, 意見を述べる