
同意と反対 - 議論と矛盾










Words Related to Agreement and Disagreement
at variance

not in agreement with; different

不一致の, 異なる

不一致の, 異なる

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to bargain

to negotiate the terms of a contract, sale, or similar arrangement for a better agreement, price, etc.

交渉する, バーゲンする

交渉する, バーゲンする

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discussions to come to an agreement on conditions, prices, etc.

交渉, バargaining

交渉, バargaining

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bargaining chip

anything that gives an advantage to a person or group when trying to reach an agreement

交渉の手段, 交渉カード

交渉の手段, 交渉カード

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bargaining power

the influence or power that a person or group has during discussions to reach an agreement that is to their advantage

交渉力, 交渉の力

交渉力, 交渉の力

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a disagreement on something

対立, 違い

対立, 違い

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not like another thing or person in form, quality, nature, etc.

異なる, 違う

異なる, 違う

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to discuss

to talk about something with someone, often in a formal manner

議論する, 話し合う

議論する, 話し合う

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a conversation with someone about a serious subject

議論, ディスカッション

議論, ディスカッション

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to drive a hard bargain

to be tough and smart in negotiations, insisting on favorable terms to achieve a favorable outcome for oneself

to go against

to disagree with or not fit well with a specific rule, concept, or standard

反対する, 矛盾する

反対する, 矛盾する

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to hammer out

to come to an agreement or reach a decision after much time and effort

合意に達する, 決定する

合意に達する, 決定する

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in a way that does not stay the same or follow a clear pattern

不一致に, 不定期に

不一致に, 不定期に

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(of two statements, etc.) not agreeing with one another

矛盾した, 一貫性のない

矛盾した, 一貫性のない

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to hash out

to thoroughly discuss something in order for an agreement to be reached or a decision to be made

詳細に議論する, 合意に達する

詳細に議論する, 合意に達する

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to hold out

to wait or withhold something, often with the intention of negotiation or resistance

持ちこたえる, 抵抗する

持ちこたえる, 抵抗する

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horse trading

discussions intended to reach an agreement in which each side tries to gain as many advantages as possible

駆け引き, 取引

駆け引き, 取引

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able to be changed to discussed in order for an agreement to be reached

交渉可能な, 議論可能な

交渉可能な, 議論可能な

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to negotiate

to discuss the terms of an agreement or try to reach one



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formal discussion intended to reach an agreement



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out of keeping with

not in agreement with something; inappropriate in a specific situation

out of kilter

not in agreement with; out of balance

out of whack

not corresponding to or agreeing with something else


a discussion in which opposing sides, usually enemies, try to reach an agreement

協議, 話し合い

協議, 話し合い

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to parley

to discuss the terms of an agreement with an opposing side, usually an enemy

交渉する, 話し合う

交渉する, 話し合う

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red line

a limit or boundary that is unchangeable and should not be violated

赤い線, 変更不可能な境界

赤い線, 変更不可能な境界

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a discussion between two groups or states, particularly one intended to resolve a problem

対話, 会話

対話, 会話

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the negotiating table

a formal discussion in which people try to come to an agreement

交渉テーブル, 交渉の場

交渉テーブル, 交渉の場

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to talk over

to thoroughly discuss something, particularly to reach an agreement or make a decision

話し合う, 相談する

話し合う, 相談する

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