
의견 - 논쟁

"call off the dogs" 및 "blazing row"와 같은 논쟁과 관련된 영어 관용어를 알아보세요.







학습 시작
English idioms related to Opinion
water under the bridge

used to say that there is no point in arguing about unpleasant things that happened in the past

과거를 생각하는 건 의미가 없어

과거를 생각하는 건 의미가 없어

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blazing row

a very violent and intense argument between two parties

심각한 갈등이나 논쟁

심각한 갈등이나 논쟁

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to jump down one's throat

to reply quickly and rudely to someone

말로 누군가를 화나게 하다

말로 누군가를 화나게 하다

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to have it out with sb

to talk to someone frankly in order to settle a dispute or argument

누군가에 대해 또는 귀찮은 일에 대해 이야기

누군가에 대해 또는 귀찮은 일에 대해 이야기

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do not get me started

used to ask someone not to make one talk about a certain topic as it might start a lengthy, unpleasant discussion

말을 시작하면 할 말이 많아

말을 시작하면 할 말이 많아

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to go (at it) hammer and tongs

to engage in an activity, particularly an argument, in a forceful, energetic, or violent manner

뭔가를 결심하고 하는 것

뭔가를 결심하고 하는 것

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the lion's den

a state or situation in which one must face extreme hostility

위험한 장소나 상황

위험한 장소나 상황

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to teach one's grandmother (how) to suck eggs

to offer unnecessary or redundant instruction or advice to someone who is already experienced or knowledgeable in that particular area

경험이 많은 사람을 가르치려고 노력하는 중

경험이 많은 사람을 가르치려고 노력하는 중

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to cut off one's nose to spite one's face

to do something with the intention of harming or punishing someone only to face the consequences oneself

자신에게 해를 끼치고 다른 사람에게 해를 끼치는 것

자신에게 해를 끼치고 다른 사람에게 해를 끼치는 것

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to show sb the door

to angrily ask someone to leave a place

누군가에게 자리를 떠나라고 요청할 때

누군가에게 자리를 떠나라고 요청할 때

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to swear a blue streak

to use offensive words in an intense and rapid manner

누군가를 저주하다

누군가를 저주하다

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monkey in the middle

a person who is in the middle of two fighting or arguing sides

논쟁이나 싸움에서 누구도 지지하지 않는 사람

논쟁이나 싸움에서 누구도 지지하지 않는 사람

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running battle

an argument or fight with someone that keeps on going for a long time

장기간의 싸움이나 논쟁

장기간의 싸움이나 논쟁

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shouting match

a loud argument

사람들이 소리치는 논쟁

사람들이 소리치는 논쟁

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to call off the dogs

to stop criticizing or attacking another person

논쟁을 끝내다

논쟁을 끝내다

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battle of wills

a situation involving two people who refuse to compromise, hoping the other individual does so first

어느 쪽도 타협할 의지가 없는 싸움이나 논쟁

어느 쪽도 타협할 의지가 없는 싸움이나 논쟁

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to lock horns

to become involved in an argument or fight with someone

누군가와 싸우거나 논쟁하다

누군가와 싸우거나 논쟁하다

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