Görüş - Argument
"Call off the dogs" ve "blazing row" gibi argümanlarla ilgili İngilizce deyimleri derinlemesine inceleyin.
Gözden Geçir
Flash kartlar
used to say that there is no point in arguing about unpleasant things that happened in the past

köprünün altından çok sular geçti
to talk to someone frankly in order to settle a dispute or argument

açık açık konuşmak
used to ask someone not to make one talk about a certain topic as it might start a lengthy, unpleasant discussion

benim ağzımı açma şimdi
to engage in an activity, particularly an argument, in a forceful, energetic, or violent manner

şiddetle kavga etmek
to offer unnecessary or redundant instruction or advice to someone who is already experienced or knowledgeable in that particular area

tereciye tere satmak
to do something with the intention of harming or punishing someone only to face the consequences oneself

pire için yorgan yakmak
to use offensive words in an intense and rapid manner

ana avrat dümdüz gitmek
a person who is in the middle of two fighting or arguing sides

tarafsız kişi
an argument or fight with someone that keeps on going for a long time

uzun süren tartışma