
진실, 비밀 및 속임수 - 깊이와 표면

"more than Meets the eye", "on the Face of it"과 같은 깊이와 표면에 관한 영어 숙어를 마스터하세요.







학습 시작
English idioms relate to Truth, Secrecy, & Deception
chapter and verse

a report of something with complete or exact details

facts and figures

full and exact information about something

자세한 정보

자세한 정보

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more than meets the eye

used for saying that a person or thing has more of a specific quality than it seems

누군가 또는 사물이 보기보다 더 복잡할 때

누군가 또는 사물이 보기보다 더 복잡할 때

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nightmare dressed like a daydream

a person or thing that looks nice or pleasant but turns out to be very unpleasant or troublesome

겉모습만 인상적인 것

겉모습만 인상적인 것

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poker face

a facial expression that does not reveal a person's feelings or thoughts

감정이 전혀 보이지 않는 얼굴

감정이 전혀 보이지 않는 얼굴

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on the face of it

used to state that something appears to be true or appealing at first glance



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to scratch the surface

to fail to deal with all aspects of a problem, topic, etc.

문제가 완전히 해결되지 않았을 때

문제가 완전히 해결되지 않았을 때

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blessing in disguise

a situation or event that seems problematic or unfortunate at first but later results in something positive and pleasant

결국 자신에게 이익이 되는 불행한 사건

결국 자신에게 이익이 되는 불행한 사건

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bird's eye view

a general analysis of something

넓은 관점에서

넓은 관점에서

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to see the forest for the trees

to understand something from a general perspective without getting too involved in details

요점에 주의를 기울이다

요점에 주의를 기울이다

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the devil is in the detail

used in a situation where details need to be closely inspecterd or paid attention to

세부 사항을 무시하지 마십시오

세부 사항을 무시하지 마십시오

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to dot the i's and cross the t's

to make sure no detail goes unnoticed in compeleting a task

모든 세부 사항을 확인

모든 세부 사항을 확인

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the power behind the throne

an individual who posesses great influence over someone who is officially in charge

강력하고 영향력 있는 사람

강력하고 영향력 있는 사람

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in broad strokes

used to say that something is discussed in a general or basic way, without going into too much detail or specific information

일반적으로 (세부 사항을 포함하지 않고)

일반적으로 (세부 사항을 포함하지 않고)

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with a fine-tooth comb

used to imply a very careful and thorough examination of something, often with great attention to detail and a focus on finding even the smallest flaws or errors

철저한 분석을 바탕으로

철저한 분석을 바탕으로

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deep down

used to refer to a person's true feelings or beliefs that they may not openly show



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the big picture

the overall view or perspective of a situation, rather than focusing on small details



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the half of it

used to suggest that a situation or story is more complicated or interesting than what has been revealed or discussed so far

더 큰 것의 일부일 뿐

더 큰 것의 일부일 뿐

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