책 Insight - 중상급 - 유닛 10 - 10A
여기서는 "공동체", "민족", "분포" 등과 같은 Insight 중상급 코스북의 유닛 10 - 10A의 어휘를 찾을 수 있습니다.
a person who habitually takes advantage of others' generosity without offering anything in return
supporting the notion that all humans are equal and should be given equal rights
to be the one who makes important decisions and fully controls a relationship or family
the force or energy that propels a process, idea, or endeavor, enabling it to continue moving, progressing, or gaining strength
the activities carried out by individuals or organizations in ensuring that laws are obeyed, and offenders are brought to justice
relating to a group of people with shared culture, tradition, history, language, etc.
the presence of a wide range of different elements or qualities within a group or system
a small group of people who differ in race, religion, etc. and are often mistreated by the society
the act of giving a share of something to a group of people in an organized way
the benefit or welfare of all members of a community or society, rather than the interests of a single individual or group
공공의 이익,공익
a decision-making system in which the option that receives more than half of the votes is considered the winning option
the principle that everyone should have an equal chance to succeed or access certain opportunities, regardless of their race, gender, age, religion, etc.
동등한 기회,기회의 평등
the opinions, activities, or methods that are considered normal because they are accepted by a majority of people
(of a system) organized or structured according to social or economic classes, where individuals are grouped based on their social status, income level, or occupation
(of a person or ideology) not extreme or radical and considered reasonable by a majority of people