정보와 객체를 관리하는 동사 - 포함을 위한 동사
여기서는 "encompass", "involve" 및 "ostracize"와 같은 포함을 나타내는 영어 동사를 배우게 됩니다.
to include or contain a wide range of different things within a particular scope or area
포괄하다, 포함하다
to require or involve certain actions, conditions, or consequences as a necessary part of a situation or decision
수반하다, 요구하다
to have or hold something within or include something as a part of a larger entity or space
포함하다, 내포하다
to include or represent something as an essential part within a larger entity or concept
구현하다, 대표하다
to have something as a prominent or distinctive aspect or characteristic
특징으로 하다, 갖추다
to intentionally leave out or prevent someone or something from being part of a specific group, activity, or situation
제외하다, 배제하다
to exclude someone from a community or group as a form of punishment or social rejection
to exclude or prevent someone from participating in a certain activity or profession
제명하다, 자격 정지하다