Woordenschat voor IELTS (Basis) - Familie en relaties
Hier leer je enkele Engelse woorden over familie en relaties, zoals "broer of zus", "moederschap", "kennis", enz. die nodig zijn voor het IELTS-examen.
a period in one's life between puberty and adulthood

adolescentie, jeugd

a relationship formed between people or groups based on mutual experiences, ideas, feelings, etc.

band, verbinding

the state of being a father to a child or children

vaderschap, rol van de vader

the relationship between two or more brothers

broederschap, broederband

a retired person who gets an amount of money each month, called pension, usually from the government

gepensioneerde, pensioenontvanger

the manner in which a child is raised, including the care, guidance, and teaching provided by parents or guardians

opvoeding, opkweek

an instance of serious opposition between ideas, values, or interests

conflict, tegenstrijdigheid

someone who is the mother of a person's wife or husband


someone who is the father of a person's wife or husband

scho vader

to take someone's child into one's family and become their legal parent

adopteren, opvoeden

a blood relative who lived a long time ago, usually before one's grandparents

voorouder, oudere

(of a group of people) having a strong friendly relationship with shared interests

hechte, hechting

someone who shares the same blood with a specific person who lived many years ago

nakomeling, afstammeling

the legal right to keep a thing or to take care of a person

bewaring, voogdij

a family consisting of two parents and their children, but not any other relatives

kerngezin, nucleaire gezin

a large family group consisting of parents and children that might also include grandparents, aunts, or uncles

uitgebreide familie, grotere familie

a family in which the parents live with the children from their own relationship along with the children from previous ones

kindermeisjes, gemengde gezinnen

a group of people belonging to a particular age group or time period partaking in a certain activity

generatie, generatiegroep

someone who takes responsibility and raises someone else's child in Christian faith

peetvader, peetmoeder

to receive money, property, etc. from someone who has passed away

erfgen, erf ontvangen

the relationship between the members of a family

verwantschap, familierelatie

someone who is married to either one of our parents but is not our real parent

stiefouder, stiefvader/stiefmoeder