IELTS のための語彙 (基本) - 家族と人間関係
a relationship formed between people or groups based on mutual experiences, ideas, feelings, etc.

絆, 関係

a retired person who gets an amount of money each month, called pension, usually from the government

年金受給者, 退職者

the manner in which a child is raised, including the care, guidance, and teaching provided by parents or guardians

育て方, 教養

(of a group of people) having a strong friendly relationship with shared interests

密接に結びついた, 親密な

someone who shares the same blood with a specific person who lived many years ago

子孫, 後継者

a family consisting of two parents and their children, but not any other relatives

核家族, 核ファミリー

a large family group consisting of parents and children that might also include grandparents, aunts, or uncles

大家族, 拡大家族

a family in which the parents live with the children from their own relationship along with the children from previous ones

ブレンデッドファミリー, 再婚家庭

a group of people belonging to a particular age group or time period partaking in a certain activity

世代, 世代グループ

someone who takes responsibility and raises someone else's child in Christian faith

ゴッドペアレンツ, 神の親

someone who is married to either one of our parents but is not our real parent

義理の親, ステップペアレント