Taalkunde - Taal leren en taalvaardigheid
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden die verband houden met het leren van talen en taalvaardigheid, zoals "vloeiendheid", "tweetalig" en "drill".
a way of instruction through repetition and a lot of practice

oefening, training

the quality of being able to speak or write very well and easily in a foreign language

vloeiendheid, gemak

the quality of being unintelligible and impossible to understand

onverstaanbaarheid, onbegrijpelijkheid

the act of paying careful attention to hear a sound

luisteren, aandacht voor geluid

someone who has learned a language as their first language, and not as a foreign language

native speaker, moedertaalspreker

the act or process of looking at a written or printed piece and comprehending its meaning

lezen, het lezen

the act of producing speech in a way that is comprehensible

spraak, uitdrukking

the activity or skill of making words on paper or a screen to express ideas or information

schrijven, schrift

the state or quality of being without any errors

nauwkeurigheid, precisie

a test that must be passed in the US by students who want to continue their education after their first degree


an internationally recognized standardized test that measures the English language proficiency of non-native speakers who wish to study or work in English-speaking countries

Toets Engels als vreemde taal, Engelse taalvaardigheidstest

an internationally recognized English language proficiency test that assesses the English skills of non-native speakers

Internationaal Engels Taal Test Systeem, Internationale Engelse taalevaluatie

a language teaching approach that emphasizes the development of listening and speaking skills through repetitive drills and pattern practice, with a focus on accurate pronunciation and grammatical structures

audiolinguale methode, audiolinguale benadering

the information, understanding, and experiences that an individual possesses prior to encountering a specific topic or situation

achtergrondkennis, voorafgaande kennis

a beginner level of skill or understanding in a subject or activity that is introductory or rudimentary

de basis, basiskennis

the act of understanding something without actively doing anything or making an effort

passief begrip, inactief begrip

a mistake, inaccuracy, or deviation from correctness in language production or comprehension


an instructional approach that emphasizes meaningful and authentic tasks to develop language skills in real-world contexts

taakgestuurd leren, op taak gebaseerd leren

the interactive process between a language learner and interlocutor, where modifications and clarifications are made in the language input to ensure better comprehension and learning

onderhandeld input, onderhandeld invoer

the language production of a learner that is collaboratively constructed and modified through interaction with others, allowing for feedback, clarification, and refinement of language skills

onderhandeld resultaat, onderhandeld output

the desire to learn a language in order to integrate into the target language community, understand its culture, establish social connections, or develop a sense of belonging and identity within that community

integratieve motivatie, integratiemotivatie

the desire to learn a language for practical purposes, such as advancing career prospects, obtaining a job, or achieving specific goals, rather than for intrinsic or personal reasons

instrumentele motivatie, praktische motivatie

the process in second language acquisition where errors or non-native features become permanently ingrained and resistant to correction, even after prolonged exposure to the target language

fossilisatie, versteviging

the linguistic system that emerges during second language acquisition, characterized by a combination of the learner's native language and the target language, incorporating both correct and incorrect features as the learner progresses towards proficiency

intertaal, tussen taal

a language that a person learns after their first language, often through formal education or exposure to a different culture or community

tweede taal, secundaire taal

the ability to produce language, either through speaking or writing, in order to convey meaning and communicate with others

productieve vaardigheid, productieve competentie

the ability to understand and comprehend language, either through listening or reading, in order to extract meaning and comprehend the message being conveyed

receptieve vaardigheid, receptieve vaardigheid

an individual who has acquired a high level of proficiency in a second or additional language, demonstrating a command of the language that is very close to that of a native speaker in terms of fluency, accuracy, and cultural competence

bijna moedertaalspreker, bijna moedertaal gebruiker

a widely recognized framework used to describe language proficiency levels in various languages

Gemeenschappelijk Europees Referentiekader voor Talen, CEFR

(linguistics) the process of using the knowledge of a known language while learning a new one by a bilingual or multilingual individual

taaloverdracht, taaltransfer

the ability of an individual to speak and understand two languages proficiently


a person who can speak and understand two different languages with ease and fluency


the ability to speak and understand multiple languages, which allows individuals to communicate effectively and engage with diverse cultures and communities

meertaligheid, multilingualisme