Bijvoeglijke Naamwoorden van Fysieke Menselijke Eigenschappen - Bijvoeglijke naamwoorden van ziekte en dood
Ziekte- en doodbijvoeglijke naamwoorden beschrijven de negatieve aspecten en omstandigheden die verband houden met een slechte gezondheid, ziekte of het levenseinde.
not in a good and healthy physical or mental state
ziek, onwel
not feeling physically or mentally healthy or fit
ongesteld, niet fit
injured physically, especially in battle or combat
gewond, wounded
having negative reactions to specific substances, such as sneezing, itching, or swelling, due to sensitivity to those substances
allergisch, gevoelig
(of a body part) feeling painful or tender, often as a result of injury, strain, or illness
pijnlijk, gevoelig
experiencing a state of extreme excitement, energy, or activity, often characterized by uncontrollable or frenzied behavior
manisch, hyperactief
(of a condition or ailment) not addressed or managed with medical care or treatment
onbehandeld, niet behandeld
(of a disease) transmittable from one person to another through close contact
besmettelijk, besmettelijke
(of an illness) difficult to cure and long-lasting
chronisch, langdurig
(of a part of the body) unusually large, particularly because of an injury or illness
gezwollen, opgezet
containing beneficial bacteria or microorganisms, often used to promote digestive health or balance within the body
probiotisch, de nuttige bacteriën bevattend
affected by a disease-causing agent, such as bacteria, viruses, or parasites
geïnfecteerd, besmet
(of an illness) suddenly becoming severe but for a short time
acuut, ernstig
(of a disease or condition) capable of transmitting from one person, organism, or object to another through direct or indirect contact
infectieus, besmettelijk
(of a disease) not showing any symptoms associated with it
having a disease since birth that is not necessarily hereditary
aangeboren, congenitaal
referring to a person who has recently died
overleden, verongelukt
suffering from a physical or mental ailment, hardship, or distress
getroffen, geplaagd
having to stay in bed, usually for a long time, due to illness or injury
bedlegerig, bedgebonden
lacking in strength, often due to age or illness
slap, zwak
(of an illness) having no cure and gradually leading to death
terminaal, in terminale fase