
Wytrwałość - Akcja i bezczynność

Opanuj angielskie przysłowia dotyczące działania i bezczynności, takie jak „wielcy mówcy są małymi wykonawcami” i „jutro nigdy nie nadchodzi”.







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a man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds

used for saying that if a person continuously engages in empty talk without taking productive action, they will not accomplish anything meaningful or valuable

człowiek słów, a nie czynów, jest jak ogród pełen chwastów

człowiek słów, a nie czynów, jest jak ogród pełen chwastów

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few words, (and) many deeds

used to emphasize the importance of being efficient, effective, and productive, rather than being overly talkative or boastful

mało słów, a wiele czynów

mało słów, a wiele czynów

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God helps those who help themselves

used to say that individuals who take action and put in effort to achieve their goals and solve their problems are more likely to receive divine assistance or blessings

Bóg pomaga tym, którzy pomagają sobie

Bóg pomaga tym, którzy pomagają sobie

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God never sends mouths but He sends meat

used to imply that people should have faith and trust in God's ability to provide for their needs and to solve their problems

Bóg nigdy nie posyła ust, ale zsyła mięso

Bóg nigdy nie posyła ust, ale zsyła mięso

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great talkers are little doers

used to imply that people who talk a lot about their plans or achievements may not be as capable as they appear, and that it is important to look at what people do rather than simply what they say

wielcy mówcy są mali wykonawcami

wielcy mówcy są mali wykonawcami

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he who is absent, is always in the wrong

used to highlight how people tend to assume guilt or fault when someone is not present to provide their perspective or defend themselves

saying and doing are two things

used to suggest that what people say or promise is not always what they actually do or follow through with

powiedzieć i zrobić to dwie rzeczy

powiedzieć i zrobić to dwie rzeczy

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tomorrow never comes

used to emphasize the importance of taking action in the present and avoiding procrastination, as tomorrow is always in the future and becomes today when it arrives

jutro nigdy nie nadejdzie

jutro nigdy nie nadejdzie

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you snooze, you lose

used to emphasize the importance of staying cautious and alert, so as not to miss any opportunities

zdrzemniesz, przegrywasz

zdrzemniesz, przegrywasz

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when in doubt, do nowt

used to advise that when one is uncertain about what to do, it may be better to refrain from taking any action at all

jeśli masz wątpliwości, zrób to teraz

jeśli masz wątpliwości, zrób to teraz

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many words will not fill a bushel

used to emphasize the need for action rather than mere talk or empty promises, as using many words does not necessarily lead to to achieving one's goals or solving a problem

wiele słów nie wypełni korca

wiele słów nie wypełni korca

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good words without deeds are nothing but rushes and reeds

used to imply that words or promises are meaningless without actions to back them up

dobre słowa bez czynów są niczym innym jak sitowiem i trzciną

dobre słowa bez czynów są niczym innym jak sitowiem i trzciną

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