Nauki Przyrodnicze SAT - Wizja i precyzja
Tutaj nauczysz się kilku angielskich słów związanych z wizją i precyzją, takich jak „opaque”, „shroud”, „radiant” itp., które będą Ci potrzebne, aby zdać egzamin SAT.
able to be easily noticed or perceived, often through observation or measurement

wykrywalny, dostrzegalny

not easily defined or understood due to a lack of clarity or precision

niejasny, rozmyty

(of an object) blocking the passage of light and preventing objects from being seen through it


permitting light to pass through but making objects on the other side appear blurred

przezroczysty, półprzezroczysty

noticeable in a way that is unpleasant, unwanted, or disruptive

natarczywy, rażący

excessively colorful, flashy, or showy in a way that lacks taste or elegance

krzykliwy, tandetny

providing or capturing an extensive view of a scene or area

panoramiczny, panorama

open, obvious, and easily observable, without concealment or secrecy

jawny, otwarty

in a way that is easily noticeable, highlighting a clear and obvious contrast

wyraźnie, ostro

a thing or person that is striking or impressive to see, often because it is unusual or remarkable

widowisko, pokaz

the attribute of color that distinguishes one color from another based on its position in the color spectrum or wheel

odcień, kolor

a quick or partial view of something, often fleeting or incomplete

migawka, spojrzenie

the act of seeing or observing something, especially something notable or unusual

obserwacja, widziane

the dark shape and outline of an object, visible against a lighter background, often seen as a shadow


a harsh, bright light that is more intense than what the eyes are used to, often causing discomfort

oślepiające światło, blask

something that is perceived by sight, such as an image, graphic, or representation that can be seen or observed

wizualizacja, element wizualny

to make or become undetectable by resembling the color or shape of a surrounding

kamuflować, maskować

to look closely or attentively at something, often in an effort to see or understand it better

przyglądać się, badać

to see something, often with a feeling of amazement or admiration

patrzeć, zobaczyć

to stare at someone or something with strong and often inappropriate interest or desire

gapić się, wgapiać się

to look with eyes half-opened when hit by light, or as a sign of suspicion, etc.

zmrużyć oczy, przymknąć oczy

to remove a cover from a statue, painting, etc. for the people to see, particularly as part of a public ceremony

odsłonić, ujawnić

to reveal, uncover, or make visible something that was hidden or covered

ujawniać, odsłonić

(of a surface) to redirect or bounce back heat, light, or sound without absorbing it

odbić, reflektować

the careful and detailed examination to find mistakes or discover important information

dokładna analiza, badanie

to carefully examine something to check its condition or make sure it meets standards

inspekcjonować, sprawdzić

to carefully check the quality, activity, or changes of something or someone for a period of time

monitorować, nadzorować

to examine something closely and carefully in order to find errors

badać szczegółowo, dokładnie sprawdzać

paying a lot of attention to the correctness of behavior or to detail

punktualny, dokładny

in a manner that is marked by careful attention to details

dokładnie, starannie

with a focus only on the surface or outer appearance

powierzchownie, w sposób powierzchowny

(of colors) having a subdued tone, lacking brightness or vibrancy

stłumiony, przygaszony