Lista Słówek Poziomu B1 - Problemy społeczne
Tutaj nauczysz się kilku angielskich słów związanych z kwestiami społecznymi, takimi jak „equality”, „racial”, „abuse” itp., przygotowanych dla uczniów na poziomie B1.
the inability to stop using or doing something, particularly something harmful or unhealthy

uzależnienie, nałóg

knowledge or understanding of a specific situation, fact, or issue

świadomość, znajomość

a type of behavior that involves using violence or threats to scare or hurt smaller or less powerful people

bullying, nękanie

illegal and dishonest behavior of someone, particularly one who is in a position of power

korupcja, rozkład

the state of having the same opportunities, rights, status, etc. as others


the right to act, say, or think as one desires without being stopped, controlled, or restricted

wolność, niezależność

the differences between men and women's rights, opportunities, and treatment in society

luka płacowa, nierówności płci

the fact or condition of not having a home

bezdomność, brak miejsca zamieszkania

the fact or process of coming to another country to permanently live there


problems or difficulties that arise, especially in relation to a service or facility, which require resolution or attention

problem, trudność

a condition in which a person does not have enough food or good food to eat in order to stay healthy


the condition of having such a high amount of body fat that it becomes very dangerous for one's health


a situation where the number of people living in a particular area is more than the capacity of the environment to support them


a strong feeling to seek approval from people of one's age by doing what they do or by behaving like them

presja rówieśnicza, nacisk grupy

the condition of lacking enough money or income to afford basic needs like food, clothing, etc.


harmful or unfair actions, words, or thoughts directed at people of different races, often based on the idea that one’s own race is more intelligent, moral, or worthy


the state of being protected or having protection against any types of danger


an unfair treatment based on the belief that one gender, particularly female, is weaker, less intelligent, or less important than the other

seksizm, dyskryminacja ze względu na płeć

a lack of something needed, such as supplies, resources, or people

niedobór, brak

a situation in which people are forced work against their will through threats or violence that prevents them from escaping

nowoczesne niewolnictwo, praca przymusowa

the unjust and unequal distribution of wealth and opportunities in a society, often based on factors such as race, gender, ethnicity, etc.

nierówność społeczna, niesprawiedliwość społeczna

the quality of being fixed or steady and unlikely to change

stabilność, niezmienność

services or activities that are intended to help people with financial or family problems, provided by the government

usluga społeczna, usługi społeczne

the services and assistance provided by the government for those in need, such as financial help, housing support, healthcare benefits

dobrobyt, wsparcie socjalne

to show disagreement by taking action or expressing it verbally, particularly in public

protestować, sprzeciwiać się

a competitive or aggressive situation between people, groups, companies, etc.

wojna, konflikt

any illegal substance that people take in order to experience its mental or physical effects

narkotyki, substancje narkotyczne

ill and harmful effects caused by a particular action, event, or circumstance

szkoda, uszkodzenie

a situation in which highly intelligent or skilled people of a country move to another country so that they can live a better life

uvoz mózgów, odpływ talentów