Fracasso - Difamação e impopularidade
Explore expressões idiomáticas em inglês sobre difamação e impopularidade com exemplos como "maravilha de nove dias" e "queda em desgraça".
to make unfavorable remarks about someone
dizer coisas ruins sobre alguém
the action of publishing or spreading unpleasant details about someone's private life in order to negatively impact the public's opinion of them
detalhes sobre a vida privada de alguém
one's personal matters that if shared with others could make one embarrassed or ashamed
assuntos privados
something that receives a lot of attention for a short time, but is soon forgotten
algo que é passageiro
to lose favor, respect, or a position of high regard due to a significant mistake, scandal, or failure
perdendo o respeito
to cause a loss of respect or reputation for a person or thing
fazer com que alguém perca sua reputação
to do something that causes others to have less respect for one
perder crédito ou respeito
the state of losing all the respect others had for one because of one's actions
perdendo o respeito
used when one says or does something that makes one disgraced or discredited
reduzindo o valor e o prestígio da pessoa
used to refer to something is not currently appropriate, popular, or available due to being outside of its usual time or season
to be subjected to disapproval, rejection, or criticism from others, often through booing
sendo criticado ou rejeitado
to make a mistake that brings about a negative consequence
arruinar a imagem pública de alguém
to find the flaws and weaknesses of something, like a plan, action, or idea
revelando as falhas de algo
to make someone appear foolish or ridiculous in front of others
to take a particular course of action that endangers one's reputation or position
colocando em risco a reputação de alguém
to behave in an embarrassing or foolish manner in front of other people, in a way that that makes them mock one