Tempo - Pressa
Explore expressões idiomáticas em inglês relacionadas à pressa, incluindo "coelho branco" e "vencer o relógio".
used to describe a sudden departure or a hasty retreat
retirada ou fuga apressada
to leave a place or move really fast or with haste
quando alguém sai de um lugar às pressas
to do something very hurriedly, often used when demanding someone to move or leave quickly
forçar alguém a ir ou se mover mais rápido
someone who is late for getting somewhere and anxiously tries to get there
alguém que está com pressa
as quickly as one possibly can because there is not much time available
o mais rápido possível
to complete a task or achieve a goal before a deadline or a specific time limit
terminar algo antes do prazo
to manage to do something just before the time is over
fazendo algo no último momento
to do something more quickly in order not to be late
fazendo algo no último momento
to begin doing something much more quickly
colocar a bunda em marcha
to do something too earlier than its right time
agindo precipitadamente
said as a way of asking someone to begin doing something or continue doing it faster than before
used as a warning to remind one that the time that is left for doing something is about to be over
não resta muito tempo
used for describing a situation when there is only a little time available and one must hurry up in order to get something done
quando não se tem muito tempo
used to say that something is done with great speed and determination
algo que é feito com pressa