Verbos de Existência e Ação - Verbos para falta de ação
Aqui você aprenderá alguns verbos em inglês referentes à falta de ação, como "abster-se", "hesitar" e "abster-se".
to stop doing something, particularly in response to a request, command, or understanding that it should be discontinued

desistir, cessar

to spend time in a place, often without a specific purpose or activity

ficar por aí, passear

to not leave until a person or thing is ready or present or something happens

esperar, aguardar

to remain in one spot with nothing to do, expecting something to happen

esperar sem fazer nada, ficar parado

to pause before saying or doing something because of uncertainty or nervousness


to refrain from taking action when it is necessary

ficar de braços cruzados, não intervir

to refrain from taking immediate action or speaking out, typically due to uncertainty, reluctance

reprimir, retenha-se

to spend time standing in a place without doing anything purposeful or without having a particular reason to be there

ficar parado, esperar sem propósito

to hesitate to do or say something, often due to uncertainty or shyness

hesitar, ficar para trás