Ciências Naturais SAT - Capacidades Mentais e Falhas
Aqui você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês relacionadas a capacidades e falhas mentais, como "astuto", "psique", "capricho", etc., que você precisará para acertar seus SATs.
a sudden and impulsive decision or desire that someone has without much thought or reason behind it

capricho, impulso

The ability to perform tasks effectively and efficiently, demonstrating both physical and intellectual readiness

competência, capacidade

a sharp intelligence, able to understand things deeply and quickly

acuidade, perspicácia

the willingness to take action and start new things without being prompted or directed

iniciativa, vontade de agir

the habit or action of being cautious and taking steps in advance to prevent harm or trouble

precaução, medida de precaução

the entirety of the human mind, including conscious and unconscious elements, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors

psique, alma

to create and perform words of a play, music, etc. on impulse and without preparation, particularly because one is forced to do so


to warn someone to be cautious of a dangerous person or thing

ter cuidado, cuidado com

to cause someone to lose their focus or attention from something they were doing or thinking about

distraire, desviar

easily influenced or affected by others or external factors, especially due to a lack of experience or critical judgment

impressionável, susceptível

having a clever and practical ability to make wise and effective decisions

astuto, perspicaz

possessing practical knowledge, expertise, or understanding in a particular domain

astuto, habilidoso

having or showing good judgement, especially in business or politics

perspicaz, astuto

possessing the ability to experience, feel, or perceive things through the senses

senciente, consciente

(of a person) able to quickly and accurately understand or notice things due to keen awareness and insight

perceptivo, perspicaz

the quality of having a sharp sense of judgment and decision-making

acume, perspicácia

the quality of being alert and paying close attention to things

atenção, vigilância

the state or quality of being watchful and attentive, especially to detect potential danger or problems

vigilância, atenção

a conclusion one reaches from the existing evidence or known facts

inferência, dedução

the process of using general rules or ideas to make a specific conclusion


the quality of performing tasks or activities with ease and without difficulty

facilidade, habilidade

a natural reaction or behavior that occurs automatically, without conscious thought or reasoning


the ability to understand or perceive something immediately, without conscious reasoning or the need for evidence or justification

intuição, instinto

an exceptional mental ability or talent that is unique and outstanding

gênio, talento excepcional

the part of the mind that is not currently in focused awareness, but still influences thoughts, feelings, and behavior, often through automatic or involuntary processes

subconsciente, inconsciente

the quality of making decisions or taking actions without considering potential risks or consequences

imprudência, irresponsabilidade

the quality of behaving in a foolish or reckless manner, often without considering the consequences

tolice, insensatez

a mental state characterized by a fragile consciousness and reduced ability for voluntary action, often resembling a deep sleep

transe, estado de transe

the fact or state of not having the necessary information, knowledge, or understanding of something


(psychology) a mental condition in which a person has a false belief system that is contradicted by evidence

delírio, ilusão

a state of extreme mental confusion, often accompanied by confused or unclear thoughts or speech


a state of severe mental disorder affecting a person's ability to understand reality, think rationally, or behave in a socially acceptable manner

insanidade, loucura

the lack of intellectual or mental power to do something

incapacidade, impossibilidade

a perceptual experience in which an individual perceives something that is not present in the external environment


a false idea or belief based on invalid arguments, often one that many people think is true

falácia, falsa crença

a mistaken or inaccurate belief or understanding about something

conceito errôneo, mal-entendido

to pay little or no attention to something or someone, often leading to issues or problems

negligenciar, desconsiderar

to intentionally ignore or act without concern for something or someone that deserves consideration

desconsiderar, ignorar

incapable of behaving normally or thinking clearly due to mental illness

perturbado, demente