Adjective ale Atributelor Fizice Umane - Adjective ale formei corpului
Aceste adjective oferă informații despre contururile generale, proporțiile sau atributele structurale ale fizicului unei persoane.
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(of a person) having a height that is greater than what is thought to be the average height
înalt, ridicat
(of a person) having a height that is less than what is thought to be the average height
scurt, de statură mică
healthy and strong, especially due to regular physical exercise or balanced diet
în formă, sănătos
having a slender shape, often used to describe someone who is thin and wiry
slab, subțire
(of a person or animal) thin and fit in a way that looks healthy, often with well-defined muscles and minimal body fat
slab, fără grăsime
(of a person) tall and thin in a way that is not graceful
înalt și slab, lung și subțire
having a waist that is slender or narrow
de talie subțire, cu talie îngustă
having long, slender legs in proportion to their body
lung și slab, slabă
(especially of a woman) beautiful, with a tall elegant figure
statuar, elegantă
(of a person) having a pleasantly rounded and slightly full-bodied appearance
pufos, rotund
(particularly of a child or young adult) slightly overweight in a way that is considered cute or charming rather than unhealthy or unattractive
răsfățat, plinuț
(of a woman's body) attractive because of having curves
curbat, cu forme
(of women or their body part) having a full or generously proportioned figure
ample, generos
having a short, plump, and unattractive figure
corpolos, de formă scurtă
short and broad in stature, often with a thick and sturdy build
robust, tărcat
(of a woman) having large breasts, wide hips and a narrow waist
sinuoasă, cu forme voluptoase
(of a woman's body) curvy and attractive with full breasts and wide hips
voluptoasă, atractivă
(of a person) having a wider lower waist and narrower upper waist, resembling the shape of a pear
în formă de pară, silhouette a formă de pară
having wide and well-defined shoulders
cu umeri largi, umedie lată
(especially of a man) having a short but quite solid figure with thick muscles
solid, voinic
pleasantly small and attractive, often implying a sense of elegance
delicat, elegant
(typically of a woman) having a curvy and well-proportioned body shape
cu forme pline, cu curbe bine definite