Verbe de Acțiune Verbală - Verbe pentru persuasiune
Aici veți învăța câteva verbe în limba engleză care se referă la persuasiune, cum ar fi „convinge”, „ispitește” și „sugerează”.
Fișe de studiu
to make someone do something using reasoning, arguments, etc.

a convinge, a determina

to make someone do something specific, often by offering something attractive

atrage, seduce

to persuade someone to do something by being kind and gentle, especially when they may be unwilling

persuada, convinge

to persuade someone or something to agree to what one wants, often by doing things they like

a convinge, a manipula

to trick someone into doing something through clever and cunning methods

a înșela, a ademeni

to persuade someone to do something through insincere praises, promises, etc. often in a persistent manner

persuada, mângâia

to mention an idea, proposition, plan, etc. for further consideration or possible action

sugera, propune

to make someone do something that seems interesting, despite them knowing it might be wrong or not good for them

a tenta, a îmbia

to trick someone into doing something by offering them a reward or something interesting

atrage, seduce

to interest and draw someone or something toward oneself through specific features or qualities

atrage, captiva

to encourage a customer to buy a more expensive or upgraded version of a product or service, or to add additional items to their purchase

a vinde o versiune mai scumpă, a sugera cumpărarea unor articole suplimentare

to make someone do something by using force, influence, or other methods

a pune presiune, a constrânge

to set a particular habit, belief, attitude, etc. in someone in a lasting manner

înrădăcina, a impregna

to teach an idea, belief, skill, etc. through constant repetition

a insufla, a învăța prin repetiție

to control someone's thoughts, actions, or feelings and make them believe or do certain things through tricks or force

spăla creierul, manipula

to give expert advice to help people or organizations make better decisions

a consulta, a sfătui

to provide someone with suggestion or guidance regarding a specific situation

a sfătui, a recomanda

to strongly and enthusiastically encourage someone who is doing something

exhorta, încuraja