Matematică și Evaluare ACT - Includere și clasificare
Aici veți învăța câteva cuvinte în limba engleză legate de includere și clasificare, cum ar fi „criteriu”, „asortare”, „implica”, etc., care vă vor ajuta să vă îmbunătățiți ACT-urile.
Fișe de studiu
possessing the right to do or have something because of having the required qualifications
eligibil, calificat
following a predictable or established form, pattern, or formula
formular, previzibil
not considering the distinctions
indiscriminat, fără distincție
to include or contain a wide range of different things within a particular scope or area
a cuprinde, a include
to be made up of various components or parts within a whole
a consta din, a fi format din
to require or involve certain actions, conditions, or consequences as a necessary part of a situation or decision
implica, a necesita
to have or hold something within or include something as a part of a larger entity or space
conține, incluzând
to be constructed from or made up of certain things or people
a consta, a fi compus din
to have something as a prominent or distinctive aspect or characteristic
a prezenta, a avea ca trăsătură
to contribute to the structure or makeup of something
constitui, completa
to provide space for storing something, often in a designated location
a găzdui, a adăposti
to include something as part of a larger whole or system
incorpora, integra
to extend across and cover a part of something else
a se suprapune, a se intersecta
an element or part that creates a larger whole when with the other elements or parts
componant, element
the different elements that form something or the arrangement of these elements
compoziție, structură
the combination or arrangement of parts or qualities that form an individual or entity
compoziția, structura
including everything or everyone, without excluding any particular group or element
inclusiv, inclusivă
inseparable essential part or quality of someone or something that is in their nature
inherent, intrinsec
by chance and without a specific pattern, order, or purpose
aleatoriu, în mod aleator
in a manner that relates to the theme or central idea that connects elements within a work of art, literature, or discourse
tematic, în mod tematic
in a manner that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected
anomal, neobișnuit
to systematically organize and list items, information, or resources, often in a detailed and structured manner
a cataloga, a clasifica
to put people or things in different categories or groups
clasifica, împărți
to sort similar items into a specific group
a categoriza, a clasifica
to make a connection between someone or something and another in the mind
asocia, lega
to classify or arrange into different categories or groups based on similarities or characteristics
a clasifica, a sorta
to serve as an instance that embodies the characteristics, qualities, or traits associated with a particular category or concept
a reprezenta, a întruchipa
to represent a more important or hidden meaning
a simboliza, a reprezenta
to provide a concrete illustration that helps make a concept or idea more understandable
exemplifica, ilustra
to include or represent something as an essential part within a larger entity or concept
a întruchipa, a reprezenta
to relate or assign a feature or quality to something or someone
atribui, asocia
to serve as a typical example or embodiment of a concept, idea, or category
epitomiza, întruchipa
the particular characteristics that are considered when evaluating something
the most desirable idea, goal, or outcome one can possibly achieve
ideal, model
a measurable characteristic or attribute that defines the properties, behavior, or functioning of a system, process, or phenomenon
parametru, criteriu
the initial point from which measurements or comparisons are made
linie de bază, punct de referință
the relation between two amounts indicating how much larger one value is than the other
raport, proporție
something that is considered typical of a person, place, or thing and identifies them
trăsătură, caracteristică
a notable feature or quality that defines or describes something
caracteristică, trăsătură
an important or distinctive aspect of something
caracteristică, trăsătură
a point of comparison or a standard used to evaluate or measure something
referință, punct de comparație
a person or thing that does not follow a general rule or is excluded from a class or group
excepție, caz special