Matematika a Hodnocení ACT - Zařazení a klasifikace
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slova související se začleněním a klasifikací, jako je „kritérium“, „sortiment“, „zahrnovat“ atd., která vám pomohou dosáhnout lepších výsledků.
possessing the right to do or have something because of having the required qualifications

způsobilý, kvalifikovaný

following a predictable or established form, pattern, or formula

formulový, předvídatelný

to include or contain a wide range of different things within a particular scope or area

zahrnovat, obsahovat

to be made up of various components or parts within a whole

sestávat z, obsahovat

to require or involve certain actions, conditions, or consequences as a necessary part of a situation or decision

vyžadovat, obnášet

to have or hold something within or include something as a part of a larger entity or space

obsahovat, zahrnovat

to be constructed from or made up of certain things or people

skládat se, být složen

to have something as a prominent or distinctive aspect or characteristic

vystupovat, obsahovat

to provide space for storing something, often in a designated location

ukrývat, poskytovat

to include something as part of a larger whole or system

inkorporovat, zahrnout

an element or part that creates a larger whole when with the other elements or parts

komponent, prvek

the different elements that form something or the arrangement of these elements

složení, kompozice

the combination or arrangement of parts or qualities that form an individual or entity

složení, struktura

including everything or everyone, without excluding any particular group or element

inkluzivní, inkluzivní

inseparable essential part or quality of someone or something that is in their nature

neoddělitelný, vnitřní

in a manner that relates to the theme or central idea that connects elements within a work of art, literature, or discourse

tematicky, co se týče tématu

in a manner that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected

anomalně, neobvykle

to systematically organize and list items, information, or resources, often in a detailed and structured manner

katalogizovat, třídit

to make a connection between someone or something and another in the mind

asociovat, svazovat

to classify or arrange into different categories or groups based on similarities or characteristics

třídit, kategorizovat

to serve as an instance that embodies the characteristics, qualities, or traits associated with a particular category or concept

zastupovat, ztělesňovat

to provide a concrete illustration that helps make a concept or idea more understandable

ilustrovat, představit

to include or represent something as an essential part within a larger entity or concept

zpodobňovat, znázorňovat

to relate or assign a feature or quality to something or someone

přisuzovat, přiřazovat

to serve as a typical example or embodiment of a concept, idea, or category

epitomizovat, zobrazovat

the particular characteristics that are considered when evaluating something


the most desirable idea, goal, or outcome one can possibly achieve

ideál, vzorek

a measurable characteristic or attribute that defines the properties, behavior, or functioning of a system, process, or phenomenon

parametr, kritérium

the initial point from which measurements or comparisons are made

základní linie, výchozí bod

the relation between two amounts indicating how much larger one value is than the other

poměr, vztah

something that is considered typical of a person, place, or thing and identifies them

znak, charakteristika

a notable feature or quality that defines or describes something

charakteristika, znak

a point of comparison or a standard used to evaluate or measure something

reference, vodítko