Глаголы Физического и Социального Образа Жизни - Глаголы для посещения и контакта
Здесь вы выучите некоторые английские глаголы, относящиеся к посещению и контакту, такие как «представить», «позвонить» и «зайти».
to tell someone our name so they can know us, or to tell them someone else's name so they can know each other, normally happening in the first meeting

to make someone familiar with a person or thing by introducing or providing information about them

to come together as previously scheduled for social interaction or a prearranged purpose

to come across or meet someone or something, often unexpectedly or by accident

встретить, натолкнуться на

to visit a place or someone without a prior arrangement, often casually and briefly

Посетить кого-то случайно
to unexpectedly meet someone, particularly someone familiar

натолкнуться на, встретить случайно

to return a phone call or contact someone again when the first attempt to communicate was missed or unsuccessful

to enter a telephone number using a rotary or keypad on a telephone or mobile device in order to make a call

набирать номер
to contact someone again later to provide a response or reply, often after taking time to consider or research the matter
