Mänskliga Relationer - Människobindning
Upptäck hur engelska ordspråk som "sällskapet gör festen" och "långt från ögat, långt från hjärtat" skildrar mänsklig bindning på engelska.
used to emphasize the value of genuine connections and meaningful interactions over superficial or extravagant experiences
bättre en middag med örter än en oxe där hat finns
used to imply that good company can enhance the enjoyment of a meal or gathering, emphasizing the value of social connections and relationships in creating a positive atmosphere
used to imply difficult situations can bring together unlikely allies, as people may put aside their differences to work towards a common goal in the face of adversity
motgång gör konstiga sängkamrater
used to suggest that being separated from someone or something can increase our affection and appreciation for them
frånvaro gör att hjärtat blir kärare
used to emphasize the importance of choosing one's companions carefully and avoiding negative influences, even if it means being alone
bättre vara ensam än i dåligt sällskap
used to imply that while new things may bring temporary joy, long-lasting relationships are more valuable and worthy of cherishing
used to suggest that the more familiar one becomes with someone or something, the more likely one is to develop a negative attitude or lack of respect toward them
used to imply that having good companionship on a journey can make the journey seem shorter and more enjoyable
bra sällskap på vägen är den kortaste vägen
used to imply that when someone is away for a long time, people tend to forget about them or lose interest in them
Länge frånvarande, snart bortglömd
used to imply that people tend to forget about things or people that are no longer visible or present in their lives
ur syn, ur sinn
used to suggest that when people or things are physically distant, there is a tendency for individuals to forget about them and feel less emotionally attached
långt från ögat, långt från hjärtat