Sammansatta Prepositioner - Association & Compliance
Utforska engelska sammansatta prepositioner för att beskriva association och överensstämmelse med exempel som "enligt" och "i enlighet med".
used to discuss the relationship or rights of parties involved in a legal matter or contract

mellan, i förhållande till

used to indicate accordance with a particular standard, rule, or instruction

enligt, i enlighet med

causing a negative consequence or cost to someone or something in order to benefit another

på bekostnad av, på kostnad av

in agreement with a particular standard, guideline, or objective

i linje med, i överensstämmelse med

in partnership with a particular person, organization, or entity

i samarbete med, i partnerskap med

in harmony with a particular idea, principle, or concept

i överensstämmelse med, i harmoni med

used to covey that two or more people or things are working together to achieve a common goal

i samarbete med, i överensstämmelse med

in agreement with something else, indicating that two or more things are happening simultaneously

i enlighet med, samtidigt med

in combination or partnership with another

i kombination med, i samarbete med

used to indicate a relationship or association between two or more things

i samband med, i relation till

in alignment with a particular idea, principle, or concept

i harmoni med, i överensstämmelse med

with a similar attitude, mindset, or intention as a particular concept or principle

i andan av, i samma anda som