to creep up on
to move slowly and gradually toward someone or something without being noticed

smyga sig på, närma sig tyst

to curl up
to position one's body like a ball with one's arms and legs placed close to one's body while sitting

krulla ihop sig, knyta sig

to sit up
to change one's position from a lying or reclining position into an upright one

sätta sig upp, sitta upp

to stack up
to neatly arrange objects, usually in a vertical arrangement, forming piles

stapla, ordna

to squash up
to collectively move closer together, typically by adjusting one's position, to create more space

trycka ihop, trängas

to stand up
to rise to a standing position from a seated or lying position

resa sig, stående upp

to straighten up
to correct one's posture or position to become more upright

rakna upp, korrekta sin ställning


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