Phrasal Verbs Folosind 'Up' - Mișcare sau poziționare
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to move toward someone, usually in order to talk to them
a se apropia, a veni
to move slowly and gradually toward someone or something without being noticed
a se apropia încet de, a se furișa spre
to position one's body like a ball with one's arms and legs placed close to one's body while sitting
se ghemui, se strânge
to hide and stay in a place to avoid being noticed or disturbed
a se ascunde, a se adăposti
to arrive at an event or appointment where one is expected
a apărea, a se prezenta
to change one's position from a lying or reclining position into an upright one
a se ridica, a se așeza
to neatly arrange objects, usually in a vertical arrangement, forming piles
a stivui, a aranja
to collectively move closer together, typically by adjusting one's position, to create more space
a se strânge, a se aduna
to rise to a standing position from a seated or lying position
a se ridica, a se pune în picioare
to correct one's posture or position to become more upright
a se îndrepta, a corecta poziția
to prepare one's body for exercising or playing sports with gentle stretches and exercises
încălzi, încălzire