
افعال عبارتی با استفاده از 'Up' - حرکت یا موقعیت یابی






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شروع یادگیری
Phrasal Verbs With 'Up'
to come up

to move toward someone, usually in order to talk to them

به‌طرف کسی رفتن

به‌طرف کسی رفتن

to creep up on

to move slowly and gradually toward someone or something without being noticed

یواشکی به کسی نزدیک شدن

یواشکی به کسی نزدیک شدن

to curl up

to position one's body like a ball with one's arms and legs placed close to one's body while sitting

زانوی غم بغل گرفتن

زانوی غم بغل گرفتن

to fold up

to bend something to make it smaller or more compact

تا کردن

تا کردن

to get up

to get on our feet and stand up

بلند شدن

بلند شدن

to hole up

to hide and stay in a place to avoid being noticed or disturbed

پنهان ماندن

پنهان ماندن

to put up

to place something somewhere noticeable

قرار دادن

قرار دادن

to roll up

to fold something into a tube-like shape

رول کردن

رول کردن

to show up

to arrive at an event or appointment where one is expected

حضور یافتن

حضور یافتن

to sit up

to change one's position from a lying or reclining position into an upright one



to stack up

to neatly arrange objects, usually in a vertical arrangement, forming piles

در هنگام چیدمان روی هم انباشتن

در هنگام چیدمان روی هم انباشتن

to squash up

to collectively move closer together, typically by adjusting one's position, to create more space

جا باز کردن (برای دیگران)

جا باز کردن (برای دیگران)

to stand up

to rise to a standing position from a seated or lying position

بلند شدن

بلند شدن

to straighten up

to correct one's posture or position to become more upright

صاف شدن

صاف شدن

to warm up

to prepare one's body for exercising or playing sports with gentle stretches and exercises

گرم کردن (تمرین ورزشی)

گرم کردن (تمرین ورزشی)

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