Словниковий Запас для IELTS (Академічний) - Chemistry
Тут ви дізнаєтесь деякі англійські слова з хімії, такі як «arsenic», «catalyst», «distill» тощо, які потрібні для іспиту IELTS.
a poisonous chemical element with properties of both metals and nonmetals that is grey in color, used in industry or as a pesticide


a nonmetal element that can be found in all organic compounds and living things

a metallic chemical element that has a red-brown color, primarily used as a conductor in wiring


a metallic chemical element with a silvery-gray appearance, widely used for making tools, steel, buildings, and various industrial products

a heavy soft metal, used in making bullets, in plumbing and roofing, especially in the past

свинець, важкий метал

a water-soluble chemical substance that contains Hydrogen and has a sour taste or corrosive feature with a PH less than 7


(chemistry) a substance that causes a chemical reaction to happen at a faster rate without undergoing any chemical change itself

каталізатор, каталізуюча речовина

a substance or compound produced or used in a process involving chemistry

хімічна речовина, хімікат

a substance that is composed of only one type of atom, typically characterized by specific physical and chemical properties

елемент, речовина

(chemistry) a substance that its molecules consist of two or more elements that are held together by a chemical bond

сполука, хімічна речовина

(chemistry) to combine and form a compound with water molecules

гідратувати, гідратуватися

(chemistry) a combination of two or more substances without forming a chemical bond or any chemical reaction

суміш, комбінація

to take in a liquid, gas, or other substance from the surface chemically or physically

адсорбувати, всмоктувати адсорбційно

(chemistry) to react in a particular way because of the laws

поводитися, реагувати

a chemical or nuclear process that is self-sustained and its products cause other processes of the same kind

ланцюгова реакція

(chemistry) a process in which several chemicals combine and form different substances

хімічна реакція

to heat a liquid and turn it into gas then cool it and make it liquid again in order to purify it

дистилювати, очищати

(chemistry) a symbolic representation of a chemical reaction that consists of the reactants and products

рівняння, хімічне рівняння

a set of conventional symbols that convey a fundumantal principle

формула, конвенційна формула

(chemistry) to become separated from the solvent in a solid form

осаджувати, відокремлювати у твердому стані

the action of keeping something the way it is or in good condition

збереження, консервація

(chemistry) a process in which several chemicals combine and form different substances

реакція, хімічна реакція