Робота і Гроші - Багатство і розкіш
Опануйте англійські ідіоми щодо багатства та розкоші, як-от «have it made in the shade» та «from rags to riches».
used to refer to the action of rising from the depth of poverty to the highest of riches
коли бідна людина стає багатою
in a very comfortable, expensive, and luxurious way
дуже розкішний
to be living a comfortable and luxurious life
той, хто живе розкішним життям
in a very comfortable condition due to an abundance of wealth
дуже заможний
used to refer to a financially superior situation than before or when compared to others
у кращому фінансовому становищі
someone who has suddenly gained great wealth or high status and has become arrogant or corrupt
той, хто нещодавно розбагатів
to be in a very good position and be living a luxurious life
живуть розкішно
a person or thing such as a business with significant financial resources
фінансово цінні ресурси
a set of things that make life comfortable and more enjoyable for one
to come into possession of a great sum of money in a very sudden or unexpected way
стати несподівано багатим
to be enjoying a luxurious and comfortable life
в повному достатку
to earn a large amount of money, usually quickly or easily
будучи надзвичайно багатим