
Munka és Pénz - Gazdagság és luxus

Sajátítsd el az angol idiómákat a gazdagságról és a luxusról, mint például: „árnyékban készüljön” és „rongytól a gazdagságig”.







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English idioms related to Work & Money
from rags to riches

used to refer to the action of rising from the depth of poverty to the highest of riches

to be rolling in it

to have a great deal of money

filthy rich

possessing an excessive amount of money

high on the hog

in a very comfortable, expensive, and luxurious way

to be in clover

to be living a comfortable and luxurious life

in the lap of luxury

in a very comfortable condition due to an abundance of wealth

to live large

to have a very luxurious and comfortable lifestyle

number better off

used to refer to a financially superior situation than before or when compared to others

a beggar on horseback

someone who has suddenly gained great wealth or high status and has become arrogant or corrupt

to have it made in the shade

to be in a very good position and be living a luxurious life

deep pockets

a person or thing such as a business with significant financial resources

mély zsebek, jelentős anyagi források

mély zsebek, jelentős anyagi források

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creature comforts

a set of things that make life comfortable and more enjoyable for one

kényelem, komfort

kényelem, komfort

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to strike it rich

to come into possession of a great sum of money in a very sudden or unexpected way

to live the life of Riley

to be enjoying a luxurious and comfortable life

to rake in the money

to earn a large amount of money, usually quickly or easily

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