Мовознавство - Мовні сім'ї
Тут ви дізнаєтесь деякі англійські слова, пов’язані з мовними сім’ями, такими як «слов’янські мови», «індоєвропейські мови» та «гельські мови».
a large family of related languages spoken by billions of people across various regions of the world, including Europe, South Asia, and parts of Central Asia
індоєвропейські мови, сім'я індоєвропейських мов
a branch of the larger Indo-European language family that includes languages such as English, German, Dutch, Swedish, and Norwegian, among others, primarily spoken in Northern Europe and certain parts of the world due to historical migrations and colonial influence
германські мови, сім'я германських мов
a branch of the Indo-European language family that evolved from Vulgar Latin
романські мови, романська група мов
a branch of the Indo-European language family that includes languages such as Russian, Polish, Ukrainian, Czech, Serbian, and Bulgarian, among others
слов'янські мови, мови слов'ян
a language family encompassing Finnish, Estonian, Hungarian, Sami, and others, primarily spoken in Northern and Eastern Europe, as well as parts of Siberia, distinguished by their distinct linguistic features from the Indo-European language family
уральські мови, сім'я уральських мов
a group of Uralic languages spoken by the indigenous Sami people across northern parts of Scandinavia and Russia, with various dialects such as North Sami, South Sami, and Inari Sami
саамські мови, мови саамів
a branch of the Celtic language family that includes Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic, and Manx
гельські мови, гельська група мов
a branch of the Afro-Asiatic language family, including languages such as Arabic, Hebrew, and Amharic, primarily spoken in the Middle East and North Africa, characterized by shared linguistic features and historical relationships
семітські мови, семітські мови (іменник)
a language family that includes languages such as Turkish, Uzbek, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, and many others, primarily spoken in Central Asia, Turkey, and parts of Siberia, characterized by shared linguistic features and historical connections to the Turkic peoples
тюркські мови, тюркська мовна група
a branch of the Indo-European language family that includes languages such as Hindi, Bengali, Punjabi, Gujarati, and many others, primarily spoken in the Indian subcontinent, characterized by shared linguistic features and historical development from the ancient Indo-Aryan languages
індоарійські мови, індо-арійські мови
a language family that includes languages such as Mandarin Chinese, Tibetan, Burmese, and many others, primarily spoken in East Asia and Southeast Asia
сина-тибетські мови, сім'я мов синьо-тибетської групи
a language family consisting of numerous closely related Native American languages, including languages such as Ojibwa, Cree, Blackfoot, and many others
алгонкінські мови, сім'я алгонкінських мов
a group of indigenous languages spoken by the Mayan peoples across Mesoamerica, including languages such as Yucatec Maya, K'iche', Tz'utujil, and many others
майянські мови, мови майя
a branch of the Indo-European language family that includes languages such as Lithuanian, Latvian, and, historically, Old Prussian, primarily spoken in the Baltic region of northeastern Europe
Балтійські мови, балтійські мови
a branch of the Indo-European language family that includes languages such as Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic, Welsh, Breton, and Cornish, primarily spoken in various regions of the British Isles and parts of France
кельтські мови, кельтські язики
a large language family that includes languages such as Arabic, Amharic, Hebrew, Hausa, and many others, primarily spoken in regions across North Africa, the Horn of Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, and parts of West Asia
афразійські мови, сім'я афразійських мов
a language family that includes languages such as Dinka, Luo, Maasai, and many others, primarily spoken in regions across Central and East Africa
ніло-сахарські мови, сім'я нілоській мов
a branch of the Afroasiatic language family that includes languages such as Oromo, Somali, Sidamo, and many others, primarily spoken in the Horn of Africa and parts of East Africa
кушитські мови, клас кушитських мов
a vast language family that includes languages such as Malay, Indonesian, Tagalog, Javanese, Hawaiian, and many others, spoken across Southeast Asia, Oceania, and parts of East Africa
австронезійські мови, сім'я австронезійських мов
a group of several closely related Eastern Iranian languages spoken in the Pamir Mountains of Central Asia, including languages such as Shughni, Wakhi, and Ishkashimi
памірські мови, мови Паміру
a group of indigenous languages spoken by people in the Pacific Northwest region of North America
салишанські мови, мови салиш
a family of indigenous languages spoken by the Tsimshian peoples in the Pacific Northwest region of North America, including languages such as Sm'algyax (Coast Tsimshian) and Gitxsan
цимшіанські мови, сім'я цимшіанських мов
a language family that includes languages such as Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, and many others, primarily spoken in South India and parts of Sri Lanka
дравідійські мови, родина дравідійських мов
a large language family that includes languages such as Swahili, Yoruba, Zulu, Hausa, and many others, spoken across sub-Saharan Africa
нігеро-конголезькі мови, сім'я нігеро-конголезьких мов
a language family that includes languages such as Khmer, Vietnamese, Mon, and many others, primarily spoken in Southeast Asia and parts of South Asia
австроазійські мови, родина австроазійських мов
a language family that includes languages such as Thai, Lao, Zhuang, and many others, primarily spoken in Southeast Asia, particularly in Thailand, Laos, and parts of China
мови Кра-Дай, родина мов Кра-Дай
a proposed language family that includes languages such as Turkish, Mongolian, Korean, and others, primarily spoken in Central Asia, Siberia, and parts of East Asia
алтайські мови, алтайська мовна родина
a language family that includes languages such as Guarani, Tupi, and many others, primarily spoken in South America, particularly in Brazil, Paraguay, and parts of Argentina
тупіанські мови, сім'я тупіанських мов
a language family that includes languages such as Zapotec, Mixtec, Otomi, and many others, primarily spoken in Mexico
отомангійські мови, сім'я отомангійських мов
a language family that includes languages such as Navajo, Apache, Tlingit, and many others, primarily spoken in North America, particularly in parts of the United States, Canada, and Alaska
мови На-Дене, сім'я мов На-Дене
a language family that includes languages such as Hmong, Mien, and several others, primarily spoken in East and Southeast Asia
мови хмонг-мієн
a language family that includes the Japanese language and its dialects, characterized by their unique linguistic features and primarily spoken in Japan
японські мови, сім'я японських мов
a subgroup of the Germanic language family that includes languages such as Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, and Icelandic, primarily spoken in the Scandinavian countries
Північногерманські мови, північногерманська група мов
a language family that includes languages such as Ojibwe, Cree, and Algonquin, primarily spoken in North America, particularly in the Great Lakes region and parts of Eastern Canada
алгічні мови, алгічна мовна родина
a diverse language family spoken by indigenous peoples in South America and the Caribbean, including languages such as Taino and Garifuna
аравакські мови, сім'я мов аравака
a language family spoken by various indigenous peoples in South America, particularly in the northern regions of the continent, including languages such as Carib, Macushi, and many others
карибські мови, сім'я карибських мов
a proposed language family that includes various indigenous languages spoken in North America, particularly in the western United States and parts of Mexico
пенутіанські мови, сім'я пенутіанських мов
a major branch of the Indo-European language family, which includes languages such as Hindi, Urdu, Persian, Pashto, and many others, primarily spoken in South Asia, Iran, and parts of Central Asia
індоіранські мови, мови індоіранської гілки
a language family spoken by various indigenous peoples in South America, particularly in Brazil, including languages such as Kaingang, Xavante, and many others
мови Макро-Же, сім'я мов Макро-Же
a language family spoken by indigenous peoples in Papua New Guinea and the surrounding areas, including languages such as Wapei, Yafi, and many others
мови торрічеллі, сім'я мов торрічеллі
a language family spoken by indigenous peoples in the Amazon Basin, primarily in Brazil, Colombia, and Venezuela, including languages such as Tucano, Cubeo, and many others
туканські мови, сім'я туканських мов
a language family spoken by various indigenous peoples in Northeast Asia, particularly in Russia, China, and Mongolia, including languages such as Evenki, Even, and many others
тунгуські мови, сім'я тунгуських мов
a language family spoken by indigenous peoples in the Chukotka Peninsula and Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia, including languages such as Chukchi, Koryak, and others
чукотсько-камчатські мови, мова чукотсько-камчатської сім'ї
a language family spoken primarily in Georgia and the surrounding regions, including languages such as Georgian, Svan, Mingrelian, and Laz
картвельські мови, мови картвелів
the language family that includes the Korean language and its dialects, primarily spoken in North and South Korea
корейські мови, корейська мовна сім'я
a language family spoken primarily in Mongolia, China, and other regions of Central Asia, including languages such as Mongolian, Buryat, and Kalmyk
монгольські мови, монгольна мовна сім'я
a language family spoken primarily by indigenous peoples in North America, including languages such as Mohawk, Cherokee, Seneca, and many others
ірошойські мови, сім'я ірокезьких мов
a language family spoken by various indigenous peoples in Southern Africa, particularly in Namibia, Botswana, and South Africa
кхойсанські мови, сім'я мов кхойсан
a major language family spoken in sub-Saharan Africa, encompassing numerous languages such as Swahili, Yoruba, Igbo, Wolof, and many others
атлантико-конголезькі мови, сім'я атлантико-конголезьких мов
a language family spoken primarily in the Andean region of South America, including languages such as Aymara and Jaqaru
аймара мови, сім'я мов аймара
a language family spoken by indigenous peoples in the Arctic regions of North America and eastern Siberia, including languages such as Inuktitut, Yupik, and Aleut
ескалютистські мови, сім'я ескалютистських мов
a branch of the Indo-European language family that includes various extinct and modern languages spoken in ancient Italy, such as Latin, Oscan, Umbrian, and others
італійські мови, італіка
a language family spoken primarily in West Africa, including languages such as Bambara, Mandinka, and many others
мандейські мови, родина мандайських мов