Зовнішність - Природні зачіски
Тут ви дізнаєтеся кілька англійських слів, пов’язаних із природними зачісками, наприклад «лисий», «матований» і «кудрявий».
(of hair) long in a way that reaches down the shoulders

до плечей, середня довжина

having a smooth and shiny texture, typically describing hair, fur, or skin that appears healthy and well-maintained

гладкий, блискучий

Having stiff, short, and coarse hairs or bristles growing closely together

щетинистий, колючий

to form or cause hair to form tight curls or waves, often as a result of humidity or specific hair treatments

крутитися, завиватися

(of hair) having a lot of small tight curls that are neither smooth nor shiny

кучерявий, пухнастий

covered with fine short hair or fibers, often giving a soft texture

пухнастий, неясний

well-groomed, neat, and styled in an organized and deliberate manner

акуратний, охайний

(of hair) having a slight curl or wave to it, creating a soft and gentle appearance

having a fine and smooth surface that is pleasant to the touch

шовковистий, гладенький