Кольори та Форми - Тривимірні фігури
Прочитайте цей урок, щоб дізнатися назви деяких тривимірних форм англійською мовою, наприклад «кубоїд», «сфера» та «циліндр».
(geometry) a shape that is not two-dimensional because it has height, width, and length
тверде тіло, об'ємна фігура
a three-dimensional geometric shape with six rectangular faces, resembling a box or a rectangular prism
кубоїд, прямокутний паралелепіпед
(geometry) a round 3D shape like a ball that is slightly flattened at the top and bottom points
сфери́д, еліпсоїд
(geometry) a round object that every point on its surface has the same distance from its center
сфера, куля
(geometry) a three dimensional shape with a circular base that rises to a single point
(geometry) a solid or hollow shape with two circular bases at each end and straight parallel sides
a three-dimensional shape similar to a stretched or compressed sphere
еліпсоїд, еліптичне тіло
a solid shape made of flat sides that fit together along their edges
(geometry) a solid figure formed by three flat faces that intersect in a point
трьохгранник, трьохстороння фігура
(geometry) a polyhedron with four flat sides, a triangular pyramid
a geometric figure with eight triangular faces, twelve edges, and six vertices
a shape with nine flat sides that connect along their edges
нонаедр, нонаедр
a three-dimensional figure with twelve regular pentagonal faces, thirty edges, and twenty vertices
a three-dimensional figure with twenty equilateral triangle faces, thirty edges, and twelve vertices
a three-dimensional shape that wraps around a torus or doughnut-like surface
тороїдальний многогранник, многогранник у формі тору
(geometry) a solid figure with flat sides and two parallel ends of the same size and shape
a three-dimensional shape that has a pair of parallel bases connected by rectangular faces, with the bases not being perpendicular to the sides
косий призма, нахилений призма
a three-dimensional shape that has a pair of parallel bases connected by rectangular faces, with the bases being perpendicular to the sides
правильна призма
a three-dimensional shape that has two identical bases, and all sides are the same shape and size
однорідна призма, призма з однаковими основами
a three-dimensional shape with two triangular bases connected by three rectangular faces
трикутна призма, призма з трикутними основами
a type of uniform prism that has square bases and rectangular faces that connect the bases
квадратна призма, призма зі квадратними основами
a type of uniform prism that has pentagonal bases and rectangular faces that connect the bases
пентагональна призма, призма з пентагональними основами
a type of uniform prism that has hexagonal bases and rectangular faces that connect the bases
шестигранна призма, призма з шестиугольними основами
a three-dimensional geometric figure with six identical rhombus-shaped faces
a three-dimensional figure with six parallelogram faces, where each face is parallel to the opposite face
a three-dimensional shape often seen in cooling towers, sculptures, or lampshades, known for its curved design
гіперболоїд, гіперболоїдна форма
a 3D shape with identical, regular polygon faces and the same number of faces meeting at each corner
платонів твердь, регулярний многогранник
a three-dimensional geometric shape composed of multiple intersecting polygons that form a star-like structure
зірковий многогранник, многогранник у формі зірки
a type of regular polyhedron in geometry, which is formed by extending the faces of a regular convex polyhedron to create new faces or facets
полиедр Кеплера-Пуансо, регулярний полиедр Кеплера-Пуансо
a non-convex polyhedron in geometry that has an unusual property of having no faces that are triangles, despite being composed of triangular faces
полиедр Сілассі, неконвексний поліедр Сілассі
a three-dimensional shape made up of 14 faces, 21 vertices, and 36 edges, with a symmetrical arrangement of polygons
паралелепіпед Цесара, паралелепіпед Цезара
a convex polyhedron in geometry that has regular polygons as its faces and is vertex-transitive
однорідний многогранник, регулярний многогранник
a semi-regular convex polyhedron in geometry that has a combination of regular polygons as its faces, with identical vertices and edges, and is vertex-transitive
архімедова тіло, піврегулярний многогранник
a non-convex Archimedean solid with icosahedral symmetry, consisting of 80 equilateral triangles and 12 regular pentagons
снуб-додекаhedron, усічений додекаедр
a solid object with a square base and four triangular sides joined to a point on the top
a three-dimensional geometric shape with a triangular base and triangular faces that meet at a common vertex or apex point
піраміда з тр triangularм базисом, трикутна піраміда
a three-dimensional geometric shape with a square base and four triangular faces that meet at a common vertex or apex point
квадратна піраміда, піраміда з квадратною основою
a three-dimensional geometric shape with a pentagonal base and five triangular faces that meet at a common vertex or apex point
пентагональна піраміда, піраміда з п'ятикутною основою
a three-dimensional geometric shape formed by extending the faces of a regular dodecahedron to create additional triangular faces or spikes
зірчастий додекаедр, додекаедр зі шипами
a solid shape resembling a donut or ring, made by spinning a circle around a line that does not cut through the circle
тор, кільце
a three-dimensional geometric shape with a hexagonal base and triangular faces that meet at a common vertex
шестигранна піраміда, піраміда з шестикутною основою
a three-dimensional geometric shape with a heptagonal base and triangular faces that meet at a common vertex
гептагональна піраміда, піраміда з гептагональною основою
a geometric shape consisting of an octagonal base and triangular faces that converge to a single point or vertex at the top
восьмикутна піраміда, піраміда з восьмикутною основою