
Sách Headway - Trung cấp - Tiếng Anh Hàng Ngày (Bài 5)

Tại đây bạn sẽ tìm thấy các từ vựng tiếng Anh hàng ngày Unit 5 trong giáo trình Trung cấp Headway, chẳng hạn như “dọn dẹp”, “trợ lý bán hàng”, “ăn chay”, v.v.


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Headway - Intermediate

someone who avoids eating meat

người ăn chay, người nữ ăn chay

người ăn chay, người nữ ăn chay

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a person, organization, company, etc. that pays to get things from businesses or stores

khách hàng, người tiêu dùng

khách hàng, người tiêu dùng

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a man who brings people food and drinks in restaurants, cafes, etc.

bồi bàn, phục vụ bàn

bồi bàn, phục vụ bàn

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furniture with a usually flat surface on top of one or multiple legs that we can sit at or put things on



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a space in a wall or vehicle that is made of glass and we use to look outside or get some fresh air

cửa sổ, cửa kính

cửa sổ, cửa kính

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a list of the different food available for a meal in a restaurant

thực đơn, bảng thực phẩm

thực đơn, bảng thực phẩm

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[Danh từ]

a series of written or printed names or items, typically one below the other

danh sách, liệt kê

danh sách, liệt kê

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to order

to ask for something, especially food, drinks, services, etc. in a restaurant, bar, or shop

đặt hàng, yêu cầu

đặt hàng, yêu cầu

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to suggest

to mention an idea, proposition, plan, etc. for further consideration or possible action

đề xuất, gợi ý

đề xuất, gợi ý

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a liquid with no smell, taste, or color, that falls from the sky as rain, and is used for washing, cooking, drinking, etc.



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(of a drink) not having bubbles in it

không ga, tĩnh

không ga, tĩnh

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sparkling water

water which is carbonated or fizzy

nước có ga, nước khoáng có gas

nước có ga, nước khoáng có gas

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sales assistant

someone whose job involves helping and selling things to the customers and visitors of a store, etc.

trợ lý bán hàng, người bán hàng

trợ lý bán hàng, người bán hàng

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a dress with no sleeves or collar that is worn over other garments

đầm yếm, váy không tay

đầm yếm, váy không tay

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to help

to give someone what they need

giúp đỡ, hỗ trợ

giúp đỡ, hỗ trợ

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a quality such as red, green, blue, yellow, etc. that we see when we look at something



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the physical extent of an object, usually described by its height, width, length, or depth

kích thước,  kích cỡ

kích thước, kích cỡ

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to try on

to put on a piece of clothing to see if it fits and how it looks

thử, thử để mặc

thử, thử để mặc

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a jacket with a pair of pants or a skirt that are made from the same cloth and should be worn together

com lê, bộ đồ

com lê, bộ đồ

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a business or identification card issued by a government, organization, or institution for official purposes

thẻ, chứng minh thư

thẻ, chứng minh thư

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money in bills or coins, rather than checks, credit, etc.

tiền mặt, tiền mặt trong tay

tiền mặt, tiền mặt trong tay

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someone who is invited to visit someone else's home or attend a social event

khách, khách mời

khách, khách mời

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a series of written or printed names or items, typically one below the other

danh sách, liệt kê

danh sách, liệt kê

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a written or spoken request to someone, asking them to attend a party or event

thư mời

thư mời

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to come over

to come to someone's house in order to visit them for a short time

đến nhà ai đó, qua chơi nhà ai đó

đến nhà ai đó, qua chơi nhà ai đó

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any liquid that we can drink

đồ uống, thức uống

đồ uống, thức uống

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a small meal that is usually eaten between the main meals or when there is not much time for cooking

snack, đồ ăn vặt

snack, đồ ăn vặt

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to move

to change your position or location

di chuyển, chuyển động

di chuyển, chuyển động

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pieces of equipment such as tables, desks, beds, etc. that we put in a house or office so that it becomes suitable for living or working in

nội thất, đồ đạc

nội thất, đồ đạc

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to choose

to decide what we want to have or what is best for us from a group of options

chọn, lựa chọn

chọn, lựa chọn

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a series of sounds made by instruments or voices, arranged in a way that is pleasant to listen to



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to clear up

to explain or resolve confusion, making something easier to understand or less ambiguous

làm rõ, giải thích

làm rõ, giải thích

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