
Sách Headway - Trung cấp - Đơn vị 4

Tại đây, bạn sẽ tìm thấy các từ vựng từ Bài 4 trong sách giáo khoa Trung cấp Headway, chẳng hạn như "bác sĩ", "khốn khổ", "tòa án", v.v.


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Headway - Intermediate

a medical doctor who specializes in general medicine, not in surgery

bác sĩ, thầy thuốc

bác sĩ, thầy thuốc

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related or belonging to people, not machines or animals

con người, liên quan đến con người

con người, liên quan đến con người

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[Tính từ]

a person who is a female adult

người phụ nữ

người phụ nữ

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belonging to the sex that cannot give birth to babies or lay eggs but is capable of fertilization of the opposite sex

đực, nam

đực, nam

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someone we know well and trust, but normally they are not part of our family

bạn, bạn bè

bạn, bạn bè

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the red liquid that the heart pumps through the body, carrying oxygen to and carbon dioxide from the tissues



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the body part that is at the end of our leg and we stand and walk on

bàn chân

bàn chân

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the body part that is in the middle of the leg and helps it bend

đầu gối

đầu gối

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to know

to have some information about something

biết, quen

biết, quen

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(third-person plural possessive determiner) of or belonging to people, animals, or things that have already been mentioned or are easy to identify

của họ

của họ

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[Hạn định từ]

at a place that is not where the speaker is

ở đó, đó

ở đó, đó

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an illness in a human, animal, or plant that affects health

bệnh, tật

bệnh, tật

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a treatment or medication for a certain disease or injury

một phương thuốc, một liệu pháp

một phương thuốc, một liệu pháp

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a condition or disease that makes one cough frequently



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the fact or act of dying

cái chết, tử vong

cái chết, tử vong

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furniture we use to sleep on that normally has a frame and mattress



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the first meal we have in the early hours of the day

bữa sáng, bữa ăn đầu tiên

bữa sáng, bữa ăn đầu tiên

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the instructions on how to cook a certain food, including a list of the ingredients required

công thức

công thức

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a plant or a part of it that we can eat either raw or cooked

rau, cây

rau, cây

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something we can eat that grows on trees, plants, or bushes

trái cây, trái

trái cây, trái

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a small, crisp, sweet baked good, often containing ingredients like chocolate chips, nuts, or dried fruit

bánh quy, bánh tích

bánh quy, bánh tích

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to swallow

to cause food, drink, or another substance to pass from the mouth down into the stomach, using the muscles of the throat

nuốt, nhai nuốt

nuốt, nhai nuốt

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a sweet yellow or green bell-shaped fruit with a lot of juice


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a drink we make by soaking dried tea leaves in hot water



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things that people and animals eat, such as meat or vegetables

thức ăn, đồ ăn

thức ăn, đồ ăn

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very poor in quality, condition, or value

khốn khổ, tồi tệ

khốn khổ, tồi tệ

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[Tính từ]

having a quality that is satisfying

tốt, đẹp

tốt, đẹp

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[Tính từ]

to a degree or extent that is sufficient or necessary

đủ, vừa đủ

đủ, vừa đủ

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[Trạng từ]

used to introduce a statement that makes the previous one less strong and somewhat surprising

nhưng, dù sao

nhưng, dù sao

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the very strong emotion we have for someone or something that is important to us and we like a lot and want to take care of

tình yêu, thương yêu

tình yêu, thương yêu

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to move

to change your position or location

di chuyển, chuyển động

di chuyển, chuyển động

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[Động từ]

item of clothing for our hands with a separate space for each finger

găng tay

găng tay

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used to express an unspecified amount or number of something

một số, khoảng một

một số, khoảng một

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[Hạn định từ]
to come

to move toward a location that the speaker considers to be close or relevant to them

đến, tiến gần

đến, tiến gần

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the place that we live in, usually with our family

nhà, quê hương

nhà, quê hương

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very loved or cared for

thân yêu, kính yêu

thân yêu, kính yêu

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[Tính từ]

a bad feeling that we get when we are afraid or worried

nỗi sợ, nỗi lo

nỗi sợ, nỗi lo

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unable to be located or recovered and is no longer in its expected place

mất, lạc

mất, lạc

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used to refer to someone or something that possesses the highest degree or amount of a particular quality

nhất, cao nhất

nhất, cao nhất

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a job, position, or role, often within an organization or a company

vị trí, chức vụ

vị trí, chức vụ

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the air taken into or sent out from the lungs

hơi thở, hít thở

hơi thở, hít thở

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in or to a lower position

bên dưới, dưới

bên dưới, dưới

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[Trạng từ]

a type of strong shoe that covers the foot and ankle and often the lower part of the leg

bốt, giày chắc chắn

bốt, giày chắc chắn

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to shoot

to release a bullet or arrow from a gun or bow

bắn, ném

bắn, ném

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the number 8



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[Số từ]

the heaviness of something or someone, which can be measured

trọng lượng

trọng lượng

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the distance from the top to the bottom of something or someone

chiều cao

chiều cao

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to flood

to become covered or filled by water

gây lũ, lấp đầy bằng nước

gây lũ, lấp đầy bằng nước

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a part of a plant from which the seed or fruit develops



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the ability to control or have an effect on things or people

quyền lực, sức mạnh

quyền lực, sức mạnh

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to lower

to reduce something in degree, amount, quality, or strength

hạ, giảm

hạ, giảm

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to allow

to let someone or something do a particular thing

cho phép, để cho

cho phép, để cho

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to follow

to move or travel behind someone or something

theo, dõi theo

theo, dõi theo

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to wear

to have something such as clothes, shoes, etc. on your body

mặc, đeo

mặc, đeo

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the group of people in a court including the judge and the jury

tòa án, hội đồng xét xử

tòa án, hội đồng xét xử

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a part of an object, broken or cut from a larger one

mảnh, phần

mảnh, phần

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a period of time that is made up of seven days in a calendar



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to flow

to move smoothly and continuously in one direction, especially in a current or stream

chảy, tuôn chảy

chảy, tuôn chảy

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a set of two matching items that are designed to be used together or regarded as one

một cặp

một cặp

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to answer

to say, write, or take action in response to a question or situation

trả lời, đáp lại

trả lời, đáp lại

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a written or printed document that shows the payment for a set of goods or services has been made

biên lai, giấy biên nhận

biên lai, giấy biên nhận

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