
Sách Solutions - Trung cấp tiền - Tổ 8 - 8A

Tại đây bạn sẽ tìm thấy các từ vựng từ Unit 8 - 8A trong giáo trình Solutions Pre-Intermediate, chẳng hạn như "kẻ đốt phá", "cướp bóc", "thủ phạm", v.v.


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Solutions - Pre-Intermediate

a person who intentionally starts fires, often for criminal purposes

kẻ đốt phá

kẻ đốt phá

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someone who illegally enters a place in order to steal something

ăn trộm

ăn trộm

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the crime of entering a building to commit illegal activities such as stealing, damaging property, etc.

sự ăn trộm

sự ăn trộm

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the act of threatening someone or beating them in order to gain some money

người khờ dại

người khờ dại

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a person who attacks and robs people in a public place

giống sấu lổ mũi lớn

giống sấu lổ mũi lớn

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the crime of ending a person's life deliberately

tội giết người

tội giết người

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a person who is guilty of killing another human being deliberately

kẻ giết người

kẻ giết người

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the illegal act of taking something from a place or person without permission

sự ăn cắp

sự ăn cắp

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[Danh từ]

someone who steals something from a person or place without using violence or threats

kẻ ăn cắp

kẻ ăn cắp

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to break

to separate something into more pieces, often in a sudden way

phá vỡ một cái gì đó

phá vỡ một cái gì đó

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to damage

to physically harm someone or something

làm hại

làm hại

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to kill

to end the life of someone or something

đánh chết

đánh chết

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to sell

to give something to someone in exchange for money

bán thứ gì đó

bán thứ gì đó

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to steal

to take something from someone or somewhere without permission or paying for it

ăn cắp

ăn cắp

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an unlawful act that is punishable by the legal system

tội ác

tội ác

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someone who does or is involved in an illegal activity

tội phạm

tội phạm

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the criminal act of setting something on fire, particularly a building

sự cố ý gây hỏa hoạn

sự cố ý gây hỏa hoạn

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to burgle

to illegally enter a place in order to commit theft

ăn trộm

ăn trộm

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[Động từ]

the act of stealing goods or property from a place, especially during a time of chaos or disorder

sự ăn trộm

sự ăn trộm

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someone who steals things from a place during a time of unrest or disaster

kẻ ăn cướp

kẻ ăn cướp

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to loot

to illegally obtain or exploit copyrighted or patented material for personal gain

cướp bốc

cướp bốc

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[Động từ]
to mug

to steal from someone by threatening them or using violence, particularly in a public place

ăn trộm

ăn trộm

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[Động từ]

the crime of stealing money or goods from someone or somewhere, especially by violence or threat

sự ăn cắp

sự ăn cắp

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the crime of taking goods from a store without paying for them

trộm cắp trong cửa hàng

trộm cắp trong cửa hàng

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a person who secretly takes goods from a store without paying

người ăn cắp đồ trong tiệm

người ăn cắp đồ trong tiệm

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to shoplift

to steal goods from a store by secretly taking them without paying

sự ăn trộm hàng trong tiệm

sự ăn trộm hàng trong tiệm

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to smuggle

to move goods or people illegally and secretly into or out of a country

buôn lậu

buôn lậu

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an individual who illegally and secretly imports or exports goods or people

người buôn lậu

người buôn lậu

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the illegal act of purposefully damaging a property belonging to another person or organization

sự phá hoại

sự phá hoại

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someone who intentionally damages or destroys public or private property

người vandale ngày xưa

người vandale ngày xưa

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[Danh từ]
to appeal

to officially ask a higher court to review and reverse the decision made by a lower court

yêu cầu kháng cáo

yêu cầu kháng cáo

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[Động từ]

a person who sees an event, especially a criminal scene

[Danh từ]
to identify

to be able to say who or what someone or something is

nhận biết danh tính của ai đó

nhận biết danh tính của ai đó

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[Động từ]

a person who is responsible for a crime or wrongdoing

bị cáo

bị cáo

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to interview

to ask someone questions about a particular topic on the TV, radio, or for a newspaper

phỏng vấn ai đó

phỏng vấn ai đó

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a person or thing that is thought to be the cause of something, particularly something bad

nghi ngờ

nghi ngờ

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to launch

to start an organized activity or operation

bắt đầu (một hoạt động, dự án)

bắt đầu (một hoạt động, dự án)

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an attempt to gather the facts of a matter such as a crime, incident, etc. to find out the truth

sự điều tra

sự điều tra

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the legal act of capturing someone and taking them into custody by law enforcement

bị bắt giử

bị bắt giử

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the act of going around a place at regular intervals to prevent a crime or wrongdoing from being committed

đội lính tuần tiểu

đội lính tuần tiểu

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a particular part or region of a city, country, or the world



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to search

to try to find something or someone by carefully looking or investigating

đang tìm kiếm ai đó hoặc cái gì đó

đang tìm kiếm ai đó hoặc cái gì đó

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[Động từ]

a building where people live, especially as a family

căn nhà

căn nhà

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the raw material that is filmed by a video or movie camera

bề dài

bề dài

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to study

to spend time to learn about certain subjects by reading books, going to school, etc.

học cái gì đó

học cái gì đó

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closed-circuit television

a system in which a number of cameras send their feed to television sets to protect a place and its occupants from crime

máy ảnh mạch kín

máy ảnh mạch kín

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to vandalize

to intentionally damage something, particularly public property

phá hoại (tài sản, v.v.)

phá hoại (tài sản, v.v.)

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police work

the job done by police officers, which includes preventing and solving crimes, maintaining public order, and enforcing the law

công việc của cảnh sát

công việc của cảnh sát

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