IELTS Học Thuật (Band 8 Trở Lên) - Punishment
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Đố vui
a sealed room or chamber where poisonous gas is introduced to execute condemned individuals, typically used as a method of capital punishment
buồng khí, buồng hành hình bằng khí
to execute or punish someone by throwing stones at them
ném đá, kết án bằng ném đá
to confine someone in prison or a similar facility due to legal reasons or as a form of punishment
giam giữ, nhốt
to no longer be able to access a right, property, privilege, etc. as a result of violating a law or a punishment for doing something wrong
mất, từ bỏ
to make a counterattack or respond in a similar manner
trả thù, phản công
the physical punishment of people, especially of children or convicts
trừng phạt thân thể
the practice of isolating a prisoner in a small, often windowless cell, with minimal human contact or environmental stimulation, as a form of punishment or for security reasons
giam giữ một mình, sự cách ly
a device for beheading, featuring a tall frame with a suspended blade released to swiftly sever the condemned person's head
máy chém
a severe punishment for a serious crime that someone has committed
trả thù, báo thù
a monetary amount paid to someone as compensation for loss, damage, or injury caused by someone else's wrongdoing, criminal behavior, or negligence
bồi thường, khôi phục
the official in charge of a prison or correctional facility, responsible for overseeing the administration, security, and well-being of inmates
giám thị, người đứng đầu trại giam
the formal act of sending a person to a mental health facility, prison, or similar institution, often following legal proceedings
lệnh giam giữ, lệnh chuyển giao
a type of punishment for students who have done something wrong and as a result, they cannot go home at the same time as others
giam giữ, kỷ luật
a group of individuals, typically soldiers or law enforcement officers, designated to carry out a military or legal execution by firing bullets at a condemned person simultaneously
đội xử án, đội bắn
to release a prisoner before the completion of their sentence, subject to certain conditions and under the supervision of a parole officer
thả tù có điều kiện, phóng thích có điều kiện
to kill someone without legal approval
lynch, giết người mà không có phê chuẩn pháp lý
to officially take away something from someone, usually as punishment
tịch thu, chiếm đoạt
a temporary postponement or cancellation of a punishment
tạm hoãn, ân xá
a person, especially an official, whose role or job is to kill convicted people as a means of punishment
kẻ hành quyết