Danh Sách Từ Vựng Trình Độ C2 - Human Body
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(anatomy) the membranous tube in the body that carries air from the throat to the bronchi

khí quản

(anatomy) the hollow organ in the throat that contains the vocal cords and provides an air passage to the lungs

họng, hộp âm thanh

any of the group of sensory cells that are mainly on the tongue, making one recognize different tastes

nụ cảm giác vị, nụ vị giác

(anatomy) any of the eight narrow-edged teeth at the front of the mouth that are used for biting

răng cửa

the thick mucus that is formed in the nasal and throat cavities, usually secreted in excessive amounts as a result of common cold

đờm, nhầy

(anatomy) any hollow tract in the bones of the face or the skull that is connected to the nasal cavities

xoang, hang hóc

(anatomy) a rounded part of an organ, such as, lungs or brain that seems to be separate in some way from the rest


(anatomy) the outer layer of the anterior part of the brain, called cerebrum, containing gray matter

vỏ não, cortex

(anatomy) the round colored portion of the eye around the pupil and behind the cornea

mống mắt

(anatomy) the sensory membrane at the back of the eye that transmits light signals to the brain through optic nerves

võng mạc

a thin piece of skin in the middle ear that vibrates by sound waves and enables one to hear sounds, also known as tympanic membrane

màng nhĩ, màng tai

a greenish-brown alkaline fluid that is produced by the liver in order to help the body digest fats


a large gland in the body that produces insulin and glucagon and substances that help the body digest food

tuỵ, tuyến tụy

(anatomy) an abdominal organ that controls the quality of the blood cells

lách, cơ quan lách

(anatomy) the main part of the large intestine, between the caecum to the rectum, where water is removed from solid waste

đại tràng

(anatomy) the large round bone structure that the limbs and the spine are joined to, which also protects the abdominal organs

khung chậu, vùng chậu

(anatomy) the narrow outer opening of the womb or uterus of a female

cổ tử cung, cervix

(anatomy) the tube in most mammals that carries urine out of the body, which also carries sperm in males

niệu đạo

the soft substance that fills the cavities of bones, which is either yellowish and consists of fat cells or reddish and makes blood cells

tuỷ xương

a muscular tube that connects the throat to the stomach, allowing for the passage of food and liquids during digestion

thực quản, ống thực quản

a tendon in the leg that attaches the muscles of the calf to the bone of the heel

gân Achilles

(anatomy) the longest bone in the top part of the human leg between the hip and the knee

xương đùi

(anatomy) each of the pair of triangular bones that connect the humerus to the clavicle

xương vai, xương bả vai

relating to the intestines, which are part of the digestive system responsible for absorbing nutrients and removing waste from the body

ruột, liên quan đến ruột